Up Im new


New member
Live in New england, Got a 1996 jeep cherokee sport 2 door. Given to me from uncle that passed. 86,000 miles of running around town! In a garage most of its life and is in awsome condition. I need to do radiator, and thought i mite as well do the thermostat and pump too. Also that damn headliner and hood latch, cable, and that stupid little cross crossbar that conects the latches to the cable. Tack welds broke on that (no thicker than a good coathanger) Bad disign. anyway this is going to be a project for my son an I. Im a back yarder but can turn a wrench. Lookin forward to it and and will be greatfull for any advice. This has the striat 6 that I know will last. Now I now 99% of you can answer me this, Was this engine built by amc? or crystler? Thanx 4 reading, and 4 having me..
Re: Yup Im new

Here she is,,


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Nice color.Harder for the game commission to see you in the woods.
AHT-OH, not one of those . . . yikes, better watch out, if you put a set of lockers on the diffs, Lift kit on the suspension to allow for bigger tires to give better GRIPTION, it could go places that will make you YAP and howl like an old Bluetick Coonhound!!:shock:

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