Vibrating/noise! whatever. I should be watching football


New member
Re: RE: sent pic

Today I noticed a sound which can be best described as if you had a fan and pushed a piece of paper into it, just enough for it to keep getting smacked. This sound is only active when I'm giving it gas, and only 1600 rpm and up getting louder as it's about to shift. Of course after it shifts the noise goes away until again the rpms get up.
I've had this Jeep Cherokee 1995 for only two months, but am truely motivated to learn. Though this may sound like small potatoes, for the first time I've owned a vehicle, I'm doing oil changes, replaced fuel, oil and air filter, brake pads, spark plugs and wires. Any help would appreciated. ( the guy who owned this vehicle before me seemed to have left it slide for a while. Routine maintanance wise ) Any help would appreciated. :)

definately not small potatoes, but you gotta walk before you can run. Good to see a young man working on and learning about his Jeep.

As for the noise, I wish I had advice to offer, but some will follow from those with more knowledge on that subject.

Welcome to Jeepz
Re: Tax man cometh...lift qustions

This sound is only active when I'm giving it gas, and only 1600 rpm and up getting louder as it's about to shift

That isolates it somewhat. Will it produce the noise if the vehicle is sitting still, or only when driving?
Both when it's sitting still and driving. As long as the RPM's get up above about 1600 and your giving it gas. If it's at say, 1800 and you slowly take your foot of the gas, you no longer hear it.

Re: RE: Riddle Me This?

posibly could be the fan shroud slightly out of alignment.....when the RPM's go up the fan blade will flex from the centrifical force allowing it to hit the shroud. This happened to me once. Pop the hood, grab the throttle linkage and give the engine a rev...see where it is coming from.

Good Luck

Welcome to Jeepz
It does sound like the noise is coming from the front of the vehicle. I'll give it a more complete look after work today. Thanks. I'll let you know how I do.
You should look at your coolant overflow hose. It could be rubbing the fan. On cherokees that hose that runs along the front of the jeep tends to creep between the void between the metal and the fan shroud. Also look into your oil levels or belt chattering.

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Frankiefire

Thanks for the tip on the shroud. The fan was smacking it around a bit. However, after an easy adjustment, and it was no longer making noise I realized there was yet another unwelcome sound. Kind of chattering noise. Took it to the shop and they told me it's my Water Pump, and they said my Rad needed to be replaced. In any case, looking at 950 bucks. For a starving student, I will be damned if I pay that much. So it's sitting in the drive way. They also did a free brake inspection and told me my front U-joint was loose. I'm still new to this, what the heck is that? Can I fix that?
Water pump, couple hours if you have no idea what the hell you are doing, aka ME...
Radiator... Never done on a Jeep, but not that hard, take old one out, put new one in... On a Bonneville, +/- 1 hour.
Are you talking driveshaft U-joint, or axle U-joint... I need to know how to do the front axle U-joints for my buddy's Jeep, in language that someone who has the tools, knows how to use them, but has never disassembled that assembly short of taking off the wheel to check the brake pads, so I will be watching for that...)

Water pump, replace it... Important... Will begin to leak coolant, and gently chew gouges through both itself and the wall of the first cylinder... Radiator, if it's not leaking, leave it till you can get to it... Remember, if you smell coolant, this is bad, very bad, and you must correct leak or risk cracking a block (so went Ixityre's motor...) The water pump is really not that hard, what engine are we talking? The one I did was on the '95 4.0 I-6...
RE: Bad front axle U-joints? Help!

Yep 95 Cherokee inline 6. :) And the Front Axle U joints are the ones I have to look at.
That's good news that it won't take me too long to fix up the jeep then. But we shall see how that goes. I'll probably replace the belt since I'll be in there anyways.
TwistedCooper, I guess I'll be starting to get there eh?

but you gotta walk before you can run

RE: suspension


_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
the fan blade will flex from the centrifical force

Should be Centripedal force :P

Billy said:
Front Axle U joints are the ones I have to look at.

They are not hard to replace, just very time consuming as most cherokees have 3 u-joints on the front driveshaft. You might as well replace them all if you bother to do any. Just be sure you have a vise OR a BFH AND a socket set to use to press the joints out of the drive shaft.

Also, replacing the water pump isn't too bad, except that it is a messy job. IMO the U-joints would be an easier job to start with... :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
RE: 2.8L bellhousing, will it fit later transmissions

Junkpile said:
_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
the fan blade will flex from the centrifical force


I know ..I flunkeded speln... :wink:

When you replace the water pump would be an excellent time to do the Rad if funds will permit....I replaced my Rad in about 45 min
Junkpile said:
XJNick said:

_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
the fan blade will flex from the centrifical force

Should be Centripedal force :P


Yes, but Centrifugal force doesn't exist. Basically, it is a misnomer used when trying to explain an apparent force acting on an object which is in circular motion, which causes the object to seem to want to fly away (outward) from the center of rotation.

Centripetal force, on the other hand, does actually exist and is the force on an object in circular motion which is directed inward towards the point of rotation. P.S., You'll notice that I too made a spelling error in my last post. That's what happens when I try to type to fast :mrgreen:

-Nick :!: