Hi there i just joined the forum and allready in need of some help
I have a 94 xj cherokee and was giving it a bit of welly in the dry,not a good idea i know but as i launched off and gave it the big one in the dry all was fine but now i have noticed a severe wobble!!
At slow speeds in 1st or 2nd it seems my gear stick moves side to side and when i get to 60mph+ it shakes like made!!
Do you think i may have twisted the propshaft or somthing
any replys will be very greatfull
many thanks
I have a 94 xj cherokee and was giving it a bit of welly in the dry,not a good idea i know but as i launched off and gave it the big one in the dry all was fine but now i have noticed a severe wobble!!
At slow speeds in 1st or 2nd it seems my gear stick moves side to side and when i get to 60mph+ it shakes like made!!
Do you think i may have twisted the propshaft or somthing
any replys will be very greatfull
many thanks