I have a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.0. Several months agothe Jeep was starting but not very well...... Not the usual crank that I amnormally accustomed to. It was like the batter was getting old and would needreplaced soon. So.... one night I took the Jeep to Auto Zone for a replacementbattery. I replaced the battery and still I was getting the same ole drainedstart. Yes, it was starting but..... a very weak and drained start. There werealso some times where I would drive about 3 or 4 miles to the nearest storefrom my house and when I would get back in the Jeep to crank and drive, itwould not start. (You know the same ole usual rerr rerr rerr) "deadbattery sound" But then after a few minutes I would try starting it againand it would crank. However the crank was a very weak one. I finally bit thebullet and took the Jeep to a local ASE Certified mechanic and he called me afew days later saying that he had replaced my alternator and it was ready to goand oh yea you owe me 320 bucks........ Sucks! Anyways, my wife took me to getthe Jeep from the mechanic and upon payment I proceeded to go outside and crankmy Jeep. Once again I had a weak start...... "This mechanic replaced myalternator and now it still is doing the same thing"....... Reluctantly Idrive the Jeep home and ate dinner with my wife. After dinner I thought tomyself..... why not go outside and try to crank the Jeep....? So.... I wentoutside and tried. It did the usual rerr rerr click.... sputter click.... andthen it would not move the engine again....... So....... besides the fact thatI was mad...... I remembered ump starting the Jeep a couple months before atour local grocery store. When I jump started the Jeep a couple weeks back, ittook a while for the battery to get charged, however it finally cranked theJeep. This time I had no such luck. The engine wouldn't even turn over. So.....I thought, "it has got to be the battery". So.... thinking that thebattery was dead.... I took the batteryto the local auto zone to have it tested. Much to my surprise, the technician letme know my battery was fully charged and fine. So.... i went ahead andpurchased a new starter. I replaced the starter and put the battery back in theJeep yesterday and yes I still have the same problem. When I turn the key, I amgetting a weak clicking noise from my fuse box located on the passengers sideof the engine compartment. At this point I have no idea whats going on or whatto do...... All connections are connected and everything is put back togetherright. Click click click