Re: RE: Are you normal? Take the test.

hey ive been trying to find a lift for a 99 jeep grand cherokee but so far have only found the 2 inch ones nothing bigger. Do they not make them? if anyone has any for sale i would definetly be interested in anyting around 4 inches. Thanks a bunch

RE: Re: RE: Are you normal? Take the test.


Welcome to Jeepz! Yes they do exist, and there's several to choose from.

Here's a few to help out your search:




try www.nagca.com and www.mallcrawlin.com the for sale forums there are almost exclusively grand cherokee parts.

how much lift are you looking for though? do you have any experience with lifting a vehicle? i'm just asking because anything bigger than a BB and you're opening a whole other can of worms. not to deter you, but for starting out, there's nothing wrong with a BB, you can easily fit 31's on there with a bb and minor trimming of the front bumper.

this is what mine looks like with a 2" bb


i currently have a set of 3.5" springs waiting to go in with the bb, but i have to gather a few more parts first. there is something to be said about starting small, but there's also something to be said about doing it all at once, just depends what you're looking for. but with bigger tires you're going to want to consider re-gearing. and if you have the weaker cv joint axles in the front, you'll want to replace those, and if you have the 249 t-case, and you swap to ujoints, you're going to want to swap out the t-case too. so really consider what you want to do, and how much work/money you're willing to sink into this before you go all out.
I definetly cant spend more than $500 lol. Other expences are just keeping me down lol so im kinda rethinging the 4inch lift. Im thinking maybe i should just get the 2 inch lift like you have for now. I just bought this jeep and its my first car, so down the line im thinking about maybe putting bigger stuff on it and just leave it like urs for now. Do u like the way the 2inch is off road? ive never owned a jeep and have heard they get a little top heavy with the lift??? what do u think?

RE: hesitation when stepping on the gas


What a good choice in automobiles for your first vehicle! I wish I had as much sense when I bought my first car.

Might I ask why you want to lift it? Are you planning on hitting trails or are you just wanting it to sit higher/look bigger?

The reason I ask is because if you plan on hitting trails, you may want to invest in some more agressive tires and tow hooks. Then later down the road you may have the $$$ to lift it the way you originally wanted to but in the meantime you'll be better suited for trails.

You ought to look into a local Jeep club in Illinois. They could introduce you to some good trails and maybe you might even find a used lift kit ;)

There's a couple of folks on this forum (Bounty Hunter for one) from your area, they may be able to recomend a club. I know this one has a good reputation:

Definetly wanting to hit the trails haha my ex got me hooked on it. I was planning on taking it easy this year till i get ussed to it and really putting a lot of work on it this winter. Thanks a lot for the info guys ur a great help

RE: FS: "If you can read this... ROLL ME OVER!" de

That kit is not for a grand cherokee, it's for an older XJ like mine.
RE: Jeep Trailor???

Wheel it with no lift for a bit. That's the best way to learn how to wheel in my opinion. If you've not done much wheeling and start out in your own vehicle already lifted and such then I would think you might have a tendancy to be a bit more over zealous. Wheeling it in it's stock form gives you great experience learning how to pick good lines that won't mess up too much stuff. I wheeled my TJ in stock form for 2 1/2 years before I took the stock 29" street tires off. Now that I have the 4" lift and 33" tires there's not much of anything that gets in my way.

Just my two-cents though! :)
Welcome aboard!

Well even if i bought a lift kit now i wouldnt put it on my jeep till the winter time soo untill then im gonna be driving it stock. Has anyone been to the cliffs? i like like 5 min away and was wondering if its worth checking out
first, get yourself this http://kevinsoffroad.com/zj/zj_rad_support.html or the hooks and brackets from rustys. and then get yourself a rear hitch. if you've already got this stuff, then go ahead with the lift.

to answer your questions, yes, it works great off road with just the 2" bb. of course i'm going bigger now, but i was pleased with the way it has handled so far. but no matter what anyone tells you, driving skill will conquer a massive lift any day. so learn your vehicle first, do like TC said and get recovery points and armor all over so you protect the jeep, find out what it can do stock, and then lift.