Waste of a Jeep, but fun to watch.

Why are you on a ricer website? Those guys a "F"ing idiots.
I just can't stand that crap. I know if they own them they can do whatever, but from someone who can't afford much to start with and has to take care of his junk, I just think that is was a waste

no kidding must be nice to have money to blow to where u can buy 2 jeepz in very good condition and just bash them. Nice idea put two idiots bashing jeepz on website made 4 people who love jeepz
Yea I have no life and have seen as many fourwheelin videos as I can find so I had to resort to ricer videos. Did those guys actually buy the jeeps or were they some that they towed? I wasn't sure about that part. I'd be ****ed if my jeep got towed and then bashed.

I'd bet it was two that were towed and never claimed, and became property of the tow service. I think it's a testiment to how tough the XJ is, and to what happens when you're dropped on your head as a child.
Wow you can tell they arnt Demo Derby Drivers they sure do ***** foot around. . . and yes i do own a cherokee and that wasnt too fun watchign, now if it was 2 chevy S-10 Blazers there you go it woulda made it better.
I thought it was interesting...but spent the majority of the time watching doors and lights that I would of taken get smashed. And yes i've got a xj...a rusty one at that....that those green doors would of looked sweet on mine...but anway. It was intersting to say the least.

I stopped it after a minute...first I would have shot both just for doing that to two fine running jeeps that could have helped two family's in needs.
Heck they could have donated them to MS and help hundred of kids...

What a waste of web space in my opinion.

It just goes to show you how fat, dumb, and happy we are as a society that kids can afford to go buy something that any one of us would think of value and just tear it up for kicks.:evil:
I turned it off, it's obvious they are not Jeepers. Just some sick little punks. They are one of the reasons why we have wrecks! Very stupid if you ask me.
I wouldnt get on the guys too hard (except for the laughing fool...what a girl) I paid $12 and 6 beers for an older Pontiac Ciera and we all took turns beating the crap out of it at one party in college. Yeah I could have flipped it and made a couple hundred bucks but wrecking it was more fun. I am not going to tell anyone what to do with their stuff.

I took to the first hit and dropped a large part of a tree stump right through the windshield...oh so fun!
*crumbles his face*

I turned it off after a min. The guy who laughed had yet to hit puberty it seems, and the guys driving the jeeps should of not had seat belts on. Now it would of been interesting to see them fly through the wind shield or just smash thier faces into the steeringwheel. Then I could have laughed and been ok with it. Stupid rich arse kids

It's unfortunate that these guys are still in the gene pool. Hopefully something will happen and they won't pass the "stoopid" gene along to the next generation. As the song goes, the world really is full of stupid people.