What is the best differential fluid to use in my TJ


Staff member
I'd like to top off my front differential I'm not sure the brand of fluid to use. What does everybody else like?

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I run Amsoil in my Cummins that sees a lot of highway miles but my Jeep that gets the gear oil changed every other trip due to the mud you can't avoid in the south gets the cheap stuff you buy by the gallon at the parts store.
Since I dropped a few bills into my axles I run Lucas 80-90 in the front and 80-140 in the rear per ARB instructions. I used to run Mobils syn in the same weights but my Mechanic told me Lucas was better balanced gear lube so I changed.

I use the Mopar 75w/140 on the front and rear differentials.
I use Mobil 1 75w-90 or 75w-140, depending on what the vehicle calls for. That's fine if you don't go off-road and underwater a lot. If you do, take xjmarc's recommendation and just use the cheap stuff since you'll be changing it a lot. No point then in using the pricey stuff.