What's your favorite Jeep?

Favorite Jeep

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Mine's the YJ.

Sorry - couldn't list them all, so if your is not listed I left the option for a write in ;)

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Im with you on this one TC. Its YJ all the way for me. i think they are the best platform for building a jeep and they are pretty cool stock as well.
If I got a Wrangler, it would be a YJ... But my heart lies with the mighty XJ, the MJ as well is not without it's glorious charms. It's a matter of preference though, really, my XJ is perfect for my off-road usage, and the cargo capacity as I head to the places I want to. This summer, I will get some pics of my property up, it's the whole reason I got Jeep.

I have a Wrangler, and while I could do without the TJ, there is no way in hell I'd ever give up my XJ. I love the Cherokee, and IMO few other 4x4's look as tough as a well done up XJ.
mingez said:
few other 4x4's look as tough as a well done up XJ.

I agree with that.

Felix - There were only 10 options... I had to lump a couple together.

I voted YJ but XJ's and CJ8's (Scramblers) are a close 2nd and 3rd.
mingez said:
I have a Wrangler, and while I could do without the TJ, there is no way in hell I'd ever give up my XJ. I love the Cherokee, and IMO few other 4x4's look as tough as a well done up XJ.

What about giving the Z some love on the front windshield?

TJ and XJ. I love both my little ones equally. They both have their own personality and uses.
OK, I voted "write in" because I wanted to answer "MINE"..............doesn't matter what it is, if I own it, it's my favorite.



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I voted for the write-in, and I'd have to write in that my favorite Jeep is whatever I own at the time. But, I love them all.
I have to say TJ because I have one and I really do love 'em. However, if I had some extra cash just layin around I'd be looking for an old Willys Pick-up. I think they're just about the coolest looking truck around!
Have had 1 Waggy, 4 CJ's, 1 WJ as well as this TJ. I have liked em all. I think that this is an un-necessary peeing match cause we all like different things. The point IMHO is that we all have jeeps and we love em. What is better is only an opinion based theory. And we could all pee in the wind till next week and never come to an agreement. So I am all for saying that my favorite jeep is the one I now possess, plain and simple........if I get a new one, which won't be for at least ten years.....then that one will be my favorite, but now the TJ is my buddy as were all the others.....and I am just gonna stick by my buddy!!

Just my .02

Jeepnutz said:
this is an un-necessary peeing match cause we all like different things... What is better is only an opinion based theory.

Well of course it is opinion, that's why the question asks:

What is you're FAVORITE Jeep? (Not which one is best ;) )