When do you put your hard-top back on?


New member
Just wondering when other people start to get ready for winter. I live in Chicago, so the weather starts to turn ugly at the end of October...usually! So I wanted to know when other people put their hard-tops on, or do some people leave their soft-tops on all winter?

Thanks Jeepers!


back on ?...is that what you're supposed to do ?.....

Just kidding....I ride until I get uncomfortable. If you have a soft top, you might ever need your hard top. I ride without the top (and have no soft top) untill my toes turn blue even with the wooly socks and the Carharts.

Rob 8) :P :)
PASmokeater said:
I ride without the top (and have no soft top) Rob 8) :P :)

NO SOFT TOP!!! Wow! That is brave. I guess if I had no kids I might try that. How do you manage in the rain? Do you have those wet-suit type seat covers? You Sir, are a true Jeeper!!! :D :D :D

Ray :wink:
I have a kid (SmokeysKid) and we survive..if I see that it's gonna rain for a week straight, I'll put it on, but it's seen it's share of water...no seat covers, and all I do is pull the carpets and the plugs.
We have a Bikini top that keeps at least partially dry. We do have a bunch of Jeepers around here (Jeepz) that are topless ALL of the time. My Daughter askied me to pick her up from school today, as long as the doors come off too LOL.

Rob 8) :P :)

That's cool that your daughter loves Jeepin' too! My daughter (3 years old) loves when I take her out with the top off. But, we now have a 3 month old and it is hard to take the top off with the little one so we take the "family" truck... the Cherokee! So when the little one gets big enough I will start to take them out again. Can't Wait! :D
I have also wondered it. I figured I will look around and see when people start putting them on, well thats not going to work. Most of the Jeeps I see in my town have already have them on. I only see 1 or 2 people driving with no doors or top.

So, what I figured, is either the first snow, or until I cant take it anymore. Then I will break down and put the hard top on.
Before I got the soft top I would make my husband put the hard top on and off like 3 times a week hehehe Guess thats why he bought the soft top. We got stuck in some nasty rain showers this summer but all was well. Usually when it rained I would take the other vehicle if Ihad my daughter and the Jeep if I didnt. We would normally put the hard top back on the end of October, and store away the soft top for the spring. Well now I dont have to worry about any of that. But I do find myself waking up in the middle of the night when its raining wondering if the top was on or not and I dont even have a convertable anymore, :roll:

Hey Purpleyjgirl--

What happened to your Jeep? Sell it? Stolen? Sorry to hear about you not having it anymore. :cry:

At the end of Oct my bikini top comes off and the soft top goes on.. but that is the Labor day run to Moab and I have been out there when its in the 100's and when it was snowing. The soft top is nice since it only takes me 5 min's to make it a safari top removing the windows, side panels and rear. I will brave this till the snow falls and the hard top comes out of storage. Whimp.. yes I know...but I have to have some place to mount my skis when I drive to the slopes. Gotta love Utah 15 minutes and your in the lower desert..30 min's the other way and your going skiing.

Up here in the Great White North it usually stops being top down weather by the end of Sept. I'll likely have my HT back on by the end of this month. Pretty sad really... :cry:
OutOfStep said:
I take the soft top off in mid September and then run topless or bikini until June
LOL But in Arizona if you go topless during the summer you end up in the hospital with 3rd degree sun burns and heat stoke...lol
Well, I do not have a softop, so I have learned to predict the weather a lot better. at night, before I go to sleep, I'll look outside, and if I see any hint of rain, I'll cover up my Jeep with a cover. In the morning, I'll take off the wet cover and I'll be fine. I did put my hardtop these past couple of weeks because of the constant showers we had , but it is off again, and I will tough it out as long as I can. I don;t have to worry about any snow in south Texas, so I'll be okay.

I usually wait for the first frost. I don't want to scrape the frost off my soft top windows, so when that day comes, I usually switch tops that weekend. this method hasn't failed me yet!
