which exhaust header to buy?


New member


I very recently bought a '97 TJ 4.0 so excuse my amateurish questions... Soon after buying the Jeep, I was introduced to its complimentary feature - the cracked exhaust header. :-)

I am looking into replacing it & 4-wheel parts told me to get a Gibson Header ($300+). So, a couple of questions...

1. What is better - a factory header (I heard 2nd generation ones don't crack) or a 3rd party exhaust header?

2. 4-wheel parts recommended a Gibson header. I would appreciate info on what brands are out there & which one is the best in terms of bang-for-the-buck + reasonable performance.

3. I was told that putting in a header can give me upto 30 added horses. Someone else told me I would lose low-end torque if the header has less back-pressure. Now I am all confused :-( Any info on this?

All help / tips appreciated...


edited by: spabrai, Feb 04, 2003 - 08:55 PM[addsig]


provided you're still running a cat and muffler i wouldnt worry about the backpressure, i have headman headers on my 350, they're pretty nice, borla also makes a really nice header but they can be a little pricey, stay away from pacesetter


Hey there and welcome! I also am a member of the "cracked manifold club" and after much research, I've decided upon the Borla header. I've been running around with a "weld bandaid" until I had the cash to install the new header...good news is that I'm ordering tomorrow!!! YEAH! Anyway, to each his own...but, I'm going with Borla....good luck to you, Patti :-D [addsig]


I just replaced mine with a manifold from autozone $200 bucks. It runs nice but I am sure that it does not flow as nice as a Borla etc but it is cheaper. I have the old cracked one and was considering welding it to sell on ebay. [addsig]

If your Jeep was orginally bought in CA and under 70,000 miles, it is under warranty. Call the dealer if you are. I got mine in just before I hit 70,000 miles.[addsig]