M Mandee New member Apr 10, 2010 #1 Hi all, my name is Mandee. I live in Newberry Springs, CA (mohave desert). This is my first jeep, real excited. It's a 2004 Jeep Wrangler, but i don't know which 'J' it is, mine has an 'X' on the side, how do i find out which jeep it is? Attachments my new ride3.jpg 1.5 KB · Views: 474
Hi all, my name is Mandee. I live in Newberry Springs, CA (mohave desert). This is my first jeep, real excited. It's a 2004 Jeep Wrangler, but i don't know which 'J' it is, mine has an 'X' on the side, how do i find out which jeep it is?
TerryMason Administrator Staff member Apr 10, 2010 #2 Welcome Mandee. They made differnet CJs until 1986 YJs from 86 until 96 TJs from 97 until 06 and are currently making JKs (06+) The X on the side is an option package (SE, Sport, X, Rubicon, etc) So, you've got a TJ
Welcome Mandee. They made differnet CJs until 1986 YJs from 86 until 96 TJs from 97 until 06 and are currently making JKs (06+) The X on the side is an option package (SE, Sport, X, Rubicon, etc) So, you've got a TJ
oldschoolcj7 New member Apr 10, 2010 #3 Here is a pretty good ID chart Jeep Identification-Jeep History-Jeep Information-Jeep ID
Bounty__Hunter Super Moderator Apr 10, 2010 #5 Mandee, welcome to the Z. Did some time in the Mojave myself while at NTC. Beautiful place.
M Mandee New member Apr 11, 2010 #7 OK, now i have other questions, i would like to put skid plates on the under carriage, do i have to have them custon made?
OK, now i have other questions, i would like to put skid plates on the under carriage, do i have to have them custon made?
Bounty__Hunter Super Moderator Apr 11, 2010 #8 Here are some of the more common: Rock Rated ™ Skid Plates and Accessories designed to protect your offroad toys.
Here are some of the more common: Rock Rated ™ Skid Plates and Accessories designed to protect your offroad toys.