white lite

ummmm, what kind of white light bulb? For headlights? if so, any parts store (autozone, napa, knecht's, etc) should have them.

Or if you have a GI Joes, they will have stuff like that.
Gain 50hp and 72ft/lbs of torque with household items

If you're referring to the bright lights that make it look like daylight similiar to those used on BMW's and Porsche's, they're called HID (High Intensity Discharge) lights and are extremely expensive. I was curious as to how much the bulbs for them cost so I called BMW and they wanted $700 Canadian per bulb. There is some aftermarket, off road HID lights (I think they were called Light Force) and they also wanted $700 for them...I can't remember if that was per light or for a pair.

no im talking about the light on top of our names when we post

RE: shot gun seat

freido said:
no im talking about the light on top of our names when we post

hahahaha!!!! Now that is funny!


RE: What

Ha hahaha! That's funny, everyone assumed he was asking a jeep/tech question. Including me!