Why do people leave their car with the engine running?


Staff member
I stopped into 7-11 today as I do most mornings, and there were two different cars with no one in, and the engines running - one newer sedan, and one small SUV. This was on a 50 degree morning, so it's not like they needed to defrost the windows or something.

So, my question is, why do people leave their cars with the engines running on a moderate temperature day? It just seems wasteful (gas) at the least, and an invitation to thieves at the worst. Any of you guys do this?

No, but I've seen it too. Most of the ones I've seen doing it are beaters that probably wouldn't restart if they turned it off or they leave their radio cranked up thumping some rap garbage trying to annoy all that around. Why others do it I really don't know.
I only typically leave my Jeep idle like that when it's cold out, but on say a low 40 ish morning if I stop at the convenience store less than a mile from my place I may let it idle to get to operating temp before I hit the hills...I'm not to worried about car thieves most people can't drive a standard any more...plus I don't miss very often ;)

I only typically leave my Jeep idle like that when it's cold out, but on say a low 40 ish morning if I stop at the convenience store less than a mile from my place I may let it idle to get to operating temp before I hit the hills...I'm not to worried about car thieves most people can't drive a standard any more...plus I don't miss very often ;)

X2, except only in my yard. Mine had an alarm and can be run while alarmed with doors locked. If the get in and touch the brake to put it in drive, it kills it.