wicked cool quadratec story


New member
so a few years ago i bought my Yj a set of bestop super doors. I ordered 'em up and they came in the thursday before easter (i remember the date because its important to the story). Well i was all excited cause the weather was warm and i set out to put em on. i put them together and put em on the jeep, and the bottoms of the doors wouldnt latch. i checked my work, and even the directions, but got nothing. i compared the part # to the website thinking they sent me TJ doors by mistake, but everything was right. i Emialed quadratec and told them what my problem was. Not an hour later i got an Emial back telling me they get this problem all the time and theres little adjuster screws that are hidden and the directions dont tell about. I fixed it, but then i couldnt get the tops to close right. so i emailed him back, thanking him for the help and offering my new problem. again, within an hour he emialed me back w/ the corrections. I fixed it and went off driving. when i came home that night he'd emialed me again, wondering if i'd fixed the problem (which i though was pretty cool, but not nearly as much as what he did next). he told me cause of the holiday he'd be out of the office till the next tuesday, but if i still coulndt get the doors working, to emial him at his HOME address and he'd help me after dinner.
now, obviously this guy went above and beyond, which probibly isnt typical, but because of that, i now only deal w/ quadratec. just a little story...

Very cool. I've had nothing but good experiences with Quadratec as well.