wierd thing


Super Moderator
New addition to the family!

Does anyone see those random characters before my screen name? it says:


The Joopin' is supposed to be there, but this other random thing showed up a couple weeks ago. I was just wondering if someone could get rid of it, or tell me what it means... did I win something?
Well if you can't get rid of it it's no biggie... but it would be nice to be back to regular ol Joopin'

I don't see anything before your screen name. This is what it looks like to me....Joopin\'
nothing eh? Well I guess it's something only I can see then.
Does anyone else have wierd characters in front of thier name?
Think I may have caused more problems than I've fixed.

The problem is that ' is a reserved character in php (the language that jeepz.com runs on).

I tried to modify your account, and it proptly told me that Joopin'/ doesn't exist.

Joopin, register again with the username Joopin (no ' ) and I'll try and match your posts up with this new username.

Sorry for the problems.

I noticed that, thought it was something you did on purpose and never thought anymore about it. Been that way for a week or two.
[/b], ')">Joopin\'
I see tht stuff on EVERYBODY's screen names... Terry I PMed you about this a week ago but never heard back... does this mean the board thinks my account doesn't exist too? You can't get rid of me that easily :mrgreen:

Anyways, If you can fix it, thanks.. if not... no biggie
-Nick :!:

Alrighty, is there any way I can keep my join date too? So I'll just go make an account for Joopin then...

Well I just tried and it said that a member already has that email... me! I don't feel like creating another email account just to get rid of a bunch of ascii characters.
Is the Weber 32/36 DGEV the best.

OK, I'm a big idiot about the whole user deleted thing, just forget about that. It appears that you were never deleted. I just had one of those rough monday's and didn't have enough time to properly check things out.

I went into the database and changed Joopin/' to just Joopin.

So, if you have to login again, just don't put the '
Everything else should be fine. I can't see any of the weird characters, and it appears that the page displays fine now.

Ummm... XJNick is still seeing things :P

Look here's an example:

For TerryMason I see: terrymason[/b], ')">terrymason
For Bounty Hunter I see: Bounty__Hunter[/b], ')">Bounty__Hunter
For Joopin I see: Joopin[/b], ')">Joopin
For XJNick I see: XJNick[/b], ')">XJNick

I'm using Mozilla Firebird in both Linux and occasionally Win2K, and the names (everyone's) have always look weird like that since Terry installed the winter theme in December. But they seem like stray BBCode tags to me?

-Nick :!:

go to your account, and select "change theme", and choose the grey theme. Let me know if that works better for you. I'm going to get rid of the winter theme this week (if time permits) and move to the grey one. There are a couple of more adjustments I need to make to it, but it's pretty close to done.

I plan to allow people to change themes in the future (pick the one they like best).

Yes, that fixes it. I completely forgot about the themes... I'm so used to seeing phpBB boards in the subsilver theme... anyways I'll use the other one for now... It works just fine.

Thanks :mrgreen:
-Nick :!: