did it come off the track? You'll probalby have to pull the doorpanel off and move the glass around a little bit and get it back on track, or make sure your tracks are catching the motor gears.
If it´s a pre 91 the window is operated by a kind of cork screw cable, the window motor drive gear often chews the cable up a bit, at the full down possition. Most likely you can get it to come up by jiggling it, left and right some and lifting gently, they will usually eventually catch and come up. Trying to force it seldom works.
You can put a hose clamp to keep the window up just past the belt line rubber wipers and run it for years more in all likelyhood. Three of four of my windows are like this and have been for years.
Haveing the window stop befor eit retracts all the way into the door doesn´t hurt a thing and actually helps save the rubber some.
Forcing some grease into the slot for the cable guide and replaceing the rubber extensions for the metal cable guide also helps function. Silicon spray in the window channels.