Yankee Hill / Carnage Canyon


New member
Well, I attempted the high country of Colorado again this weekend! I did not get very far with Yankee hill as the snow is still too deep.


We had to winch to a couple of trees to get out of this situation. The snow is high enough to hit the frame. We got it our easily enough and headed out. We found a local resident high centered. No winch, no shovel, although he did have a snatch strap. We wanted to be pulled out backwards so we obliged him and set up the Jeep, the tree strap and the snatch block to allow for that as we couldn't go around him without going off trail. Ended up snatching him forward anyway. He did have a BFH and a pick that he was going to dig out with.

Carnage was a lot more fun. I did crush a fingertip with a rock while trying to set up another Jeep for a run at an Obstacle, but that is part of the fune of the sport.

5 of us went on this afternoon run. The trail was very busy again. There were a lot of clubs/groups on the trail. It was faster than the the last time but still very sloow at times.







As always with this trail, there were lots of rocks that are available for catching the pumpkins!

It was a good group of guys that turned out from our club, We had a lot of fun and got to ride both Carnage Canyon on the way up and Left Hand Canyon on the way back down.

Hope you enjoy the report!