Recent content by Hellboy

  1. H

    My Jeep was broken into AGAIN!!

    I feel your pain. since moving into a "city" I've had my jeep broken into 3 times. :shock: First time the retards couldnt get the window unzipped and ended up damaging it so I could zip it back up, they also got my CD player and broke into the console and got the face. Next time they came in...
  2. H

    My vacation fun, and the TJ has a name!

    Thanks for the comments guys/gals. LJF, yeah we kinda stayed away from the harder trails that day and we got out of there before the rain storm hit that afternoon. As you see I had a stocker with me and I wasnt sure with the rain and all if her jeep could handle some of the trails like Daniel...
  3. H

    Does this sound like a good price?

    Whoa there..... You said 33x12.50s on an XJ with factory lift! :shock: Unless the fenders have been hacked big time, I dont think its possible to run that setup. Better look into it more and get more details.
  4. H

    My vacation fun, and the TJ has a name!

    Heres the pics I was talking about: The stock Jeep is Elizabeth that went wheeling with us. The black jeep is mine. I only got maybe two shots of my jeep because my g/f wouldnt get out of the Jeep to take any pictures. Elizabeth took some, so maybe I can get them from her wevshot account and...
  5. H

    My vacation fun, and the TJ has a name!

    Might wanna check your other post sometimes...... :lol: I was riding at Uwharrie that Sunday and will say thats the wetest I've ever seen it. Made some obstacles that I'm used to doing alot...
  6. H

    Anyone near Concord, NC??

    LadyJeepFreak, I'm located about 1.5 north of Concord in Greensboro. I planning a trip with a couple of other jeeps at Uwharrie National Forrest in Denton NC that Sunday the 3rd. If you wanna roll, LMK.
  7. H

    mad as $%#.....

    1071392 Oh come one...tell us how you really feel. :-P ;-) [addsig]
  8. H

    Another "Newbie"

    1070379 Thanks guys for the warm Welcome! Hope I can pass on my small amount of knowledge here while getting some info from others on this board as well. Seems like a nice place o be. :-D [addsig]
  9. H

    i'm not trying to offend tj owners!but

    1070380 Just thought I chime in here as well..... I'm a TJ owner and while I do get my share of blank faces from young TJ drivers probably about my age, I hardly ever get a wave from a CJ. YJs around here seem to be the most aware of the wave. I live in a college town and their are alot of...
  10. H

    do you use your daily driver?

    1070381 Tru dat tru dat! :-D My jeep plays the "middle man" role as well. She gets about a 60 mile around trip each day to work and than on the weekends it hits the trails. My jeep is by no means huge. About 4.5" of lift and 33s and still shows good road manners, except for gas mileage...
  11. H

    Do I NEED...

    1070753 Most people, myself included, went with the MM kit and BL to get rid of the TC lowering kit. I'm sure you got an SYE/CV driveshaft.... so I dont see why you might need one, unless like others said your experencing vibes???? :-? [addsig]
  12. H


    1070754 From one "noob" to another. WELCOME! :-D [addsig]
  13. H

    Another "Newbie"

    1070256 Hi guys/gals. Just thought I give myself some type of introduction. I usually hang out over on the Q-tec BB, but found a link over there for this site and decided to check it out. So yeah, I got this '00 TJ 4banger that I wheel. Its got "stuff" done to it. Nothing really crazy, but...