i'm not trying to offend tj owners!but


New member

why is it that the only jeeper who don't wave back are the tj ones,is it beacuse they think they are better then everyone else.i mean come on.every other jeep owner i wave ot they wave back or they wave at me first,but i don't even bother waving at tj owners anymore becasue they never wave back whats the deal is it something i'm messing.[addsig]


Apparently it is something you are missing. Just keep waving. They will learn . . . Ermmm . . . WE will learn. I wave at every Jeep I see. That includes XJ, KJ, TJ, CJ, YJ and all the rest.

OR maybe just try following them to whereever they park and fill them in. :-D I am sure we have had this conversation a few times and that is in just the 4 months I have been here.

Oh yeah, I am a TJ. I promise you that cherokee and liberty wave A LOT less than ANY TJ. :-P

edited by: L33TJ33P, Jun 06, 2003 - 03:06 PM[addsig]

i've noticed that, but on the other side of things jeep liberty owners have their heads out of the window waving at you confusing uhh? :-? [addsig]


Its the same way in Jersey... it's almost like the TJ and Liberty drivers don't even know they are sittin in a Jeep! I'll still give the TJs a wave but only 5% give the wave back... and to tell you the truth I don't even wave at the Libertys... never liked those things :lol: no offense to any Liberty owners![addsig]

Just keep waven till they figure it out. I am just glad that there are TJs so folks will leave the YJs alone at long last! hehehehehe Tug :-P [addsig]

no offense. I am a TJ owner, and I wave at every Jeep I pass (CJ's, YJ's and TJ's only, I admit, unless its an obvious XJ jeep lover).[addsig]


It seems to be very clickish here in South Florida. I try to wave to all Jeepers but it seems like most of the replies come from TJ's, YJ's and Cj's. One day everyone will figure it out. My girlfriend thought she was being mistaken for someone else. "Every time I drive your Jeep, people wave at me. Maybee they think I'm someone else."
I set her straight and now we both end up doing the wave :-D [addsig]

The ONLY reason THEY Don't wave,

is ignorance....

And guess what,, It's my fault, and yours.

They probally don't even have a
Quadratrac, Rusty's, JC's, Haynes,
or anything Jeep,,,,
next to their "HEAD".
(toilet, library, whatever)



Raven has some very Cool
Jeepz.com windshield banners...
let us fly our colors proud.

Ignorance is no excuse,
but it is the reason,,,
THEY don't wave.

I am part of the problem,
but think that it is a
short wheel base salute.
You know my signature.
"Keep your Hand in the Air!"

TEACH a future "Jeeper" Today![addsig]


Well how about this a BIG JEEP WAVE to everyone :-D :-D :-D [addsig]

True Fact,
Friday climbed up into my TJ,
Drove 15 minutes to work.
Passed 5 TJs,

3 Waved Back.
You know, Texas style,
right from the Steering Wheel.:-D

See the Same 5 most mornings,
Six months ago, none USED to Wave,
But their are TONS of Jeeps out here,
Does everyone have three Chrysler
dealers within 30 minutes of them?:-O

I think Monday, I'll leave 15minutes
early and pull a HARD 180, run down
the non wavers, and hand them
a Jeepz.Com Sticker. :evil:

Fear Not - NonWavers,
Jeepz.Com is with you

Snitty, do you think Raven would
Cut a rate for Volume? :lol:

Oh, and Thanks for the kind word,
You have always been a Great
example of the Jeeper Spirit.
But I've said that before, haven't I.[addsig]

Dont group us all together im a new tj owner and it took i while to get in the grove but im with it now a BIG WAVE to you all [addsig]


Yeah, around here in Cincinnati, the tj's dont normally wave back, but i still keep waving. If they dont wave, then i think they dont think deserve to say they own a jeep because when you bought a jeep you like bought into a cult, you didnt just buy a new Vehicle.[addsig]

Man...you all know how to post to get my attention lol

I'm a TJ owner, and like you, I have noticed a serverly lacking amount of TJ owners waving. I attribute this to NEW JEEP-NEW JEEP DRIVER syndrome. Nothing that can't be fixed with a little education. One way I do this is to pull up next to one, roll down the window, and ask how the like the waving thing. It's a great way to open the door for instruction, and if they know about it, you don't come off looking like an idiot
Don't stop waving at the TJ owners...there are those of us that get it (either through education, or because we have moved OVER (not up) to a TJ model.

CJ, YJ, TJ, XJ any J....I wave to them all. From the young kid with the rusted out tub, to the the Mom with the soccerball hanging from the mirror of her shiney new Liberty. If they get it, good, if not, at least the get a smile about the nutty guy int the rain, with no top, arm swinging wildly back and forth, a big big friendly Jeepin' smile on his face.

:-P 8-) :-)

edited by: PASmokeater, Jun 07, 2003 - 07:37 AM[addsig]

The Jeep wave is a MILLION times better than the
middle finger Porsche salute. The Jeep wave is
to Jeeps as the peace sign was to the sixties.
Keep flashin' the Jeep wave.

Oh, Yeah, I'm a TJ Driver.[addsig]


Just thought I chime in here as well.....
I'm a TJ owner and while I do get my share of blank faces from young TJ drivers probably about my age, I hardly ever get a wave from a CJ. YJs around here seem to be the most aware of the wave. I live in a college town and their are alot of different jeeps around here. But everytime I see a CJ owner I havent met at a Meet&Greet or on the trail, I get the same blank look that I get from fellow TJ owners. And I'm talking built CJs too. Weird???[addsig]

I'm in central NJ and pretty much all of the "little" Jeeps wave. Just keep on wavin' and smilin' and maybe they'll catch on. [addsig]

I am a bit reserved with the waving at ZJ's, only cause I waved at one one time, the dude turned around, and followed me home. When I got out he rolled down his window and asked me if I had a problem!
I tried to educate him about the "Jeep Wave" but his shining powers of ignorance were too much, so I just went in the house and the dude was yelling some obsentities! I know he was a bad apple and not to judge the whole bumch, but what if it was my fiancee driving(I taught her to wave), I don't want that dude following her home!

All other jeeps get the wave though![addsig]


I don't get a lot of waves from stock Jeeps, but I get tons of waves from built off-road vehicles (Jeep's, Toy's, Ford's, Chevy's, etc). I think the stock'rs out there are kinda dumbfounded when they see my YJ. Kinda like a circus side show or something.[addsig]