New member
I always knew about changing them out but, after talking to a Jeep rep a few weeks back he was telling me that the ethanol in fuels shortens the life of the 02 sensor probe. Most four wire heated sensor's go 100,000 but, he said 50,000 would be the better way to go because with the fuels and all they begin to get lazy around 50,000 or so. While my Jeep ran great after I replaced all of them it runs even better and my gas mileage is back up to where it once was. If your Jeep has more than 50,000 on the oxygen sensor's it might not be bad to change them out. I changed my plugs and everything else and was still only getting 13 to 14 but, since the first tank I'm already getting 16 and while it don't sound like much the sensor's will pay for themselves after a few tanks of gas.