76 CJ5 Restoration


New member
New at this so let me know what you think or have any ideals on the improvement.
Started this project back in April 2011 with plans to complete by summer's end 2011. Hasn't quite worked out, but the project is finally starting to come together.
We'll begin with some pics before and during the teardown then on to some progress pics.
pic1 as purchased
pic2 grandson ready to drive
pic3 & 4 body's off engine and transmission to go - frame is excellent shape
pic5 & 6 body has mimimal rust for a 76 year model
pic7 & 8 frame after sandblasting and painting with por15 coating
pic9 added shims to accommodate the T18A transmission
pic10 new brake and fuel lines installed
pic11 engine, transmission & tub reinstalled - tub was sandblasted and then sent to paint shop for some black metal flake paint.


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Looks like you've made a good amount of progress on it!
Oh yea, your gettin' there. If you need some motivation look on ebay at what the frame off restos are bringing on Jeep CJ's. I've put several on my watch list to see if they really sell, they're doing better than I'd have guessed. It seems like they bring more if they're closer to original. The custom Jeeps don't seem to fair as well vs dollars spent.

Should have more pics to upload after Thanksgiving holidays. Plan on doing more put back while I'm home from work. The amount of mods has been minimal so far, lift, paint color change, transmission change 3 -> 4 speed, seats. Have a new set of corbeau suspension with 5 pt harness, and wheels. Not in the plans to sell.


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Some more pics of the progress over the holidays. Looking like may have an issue with the rear driveshaft angle??? Engine compartment wiring and steering box to be next to reinstall.


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Lookin' good....looks like the body was in great shape to start with(lucky you!!)
Just keep pluggin' away at gettin' it back together...no need to rush & screw something up this late in the game.
Didn't have much time over the Christmas holidays, work got in the way. Did get the engine compartment wiring harness installed, brake lines completed, steering gearbox installed, and the centerbore of the wheels milled out so that they would fit.


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Has anyone tried the "flex u-joints" from Tom Woods. Due to the transmission change the rear driveshaft was shorten and with the 4" lift the angle increased. Hope these do the trick.

A little more progress made on this home trip. Almost ready to put the wheels on and take it down off the jack stands. First time for a lift and looks like I'll need to adjust the drag link to make the steering line up. If anyone knows how much it changes the steering it would be appreciated.


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Due strickly to the lift, had to changed shocks, brake lines from frame to axles, emergency brake cables, replaced the pitman arm, reardriveshaft angle. I also changed from a 3-speed T-150 to a 4 speed T-18A which compound the rear driveshaft angle due to the output moving back about 2-1/2" inches. Before the lift though I was having tire rub when off road.
Thanks, I'm putting a 4" on a 79 renegade. I'm leaving the 3 speed in it. Did you just rotate the rear end until you got a straight shot for the drive shaft. Brake lines are being replaced. Thanks for the info.

Do you know if there is a bolt kit to use to put the body back together? It would make life easy.
littlesdrag said:
Do you know if there is a bolt kit to use to put the body back together? It would make life easy.

They work if you stay all stock. That's not been much of a problem since I only get a weekend a month to work on it due to my work

Looks great! I love CJ5's. Their just cool rigs.
With that V8 you have plenty of power even if its stock.