A cheap console


Staff member
I made a cheap console for my Jeep by taking an old ammo box (the military kind, that helicopter ammo comes in) and painting it black. You can pick one of these up at an army surplus store. after painting it, you will want to drill four holes in the bottom of the box, and some corresponding holes in the floor of your jeep. After mounting it in the box in your ride, you can lock it the way that I did, by drilling two holes in the top front, behind where the closing mechanism is and inserting a U bolt. When you close the top and snap it shut the U bolt will stick out and you can insert a lock into it (hopefully the picture can explain a little better)
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Cheap console photos

Console photos


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thats just great I am always interested in a good lock box as I do Jeep tours here in Belize and need this for our junk ,all I have to do is seal the holes in the bottom ,water proof .Thanks Captain Jack

Ok...I'm sold....got one left in the garage that has no ammo it it :) Jackupxj got me thinking... a couple of the old ball and socket type cup holders (anyone remember them? I used to see them on boats alot) would be real nice mounted on the front. They swivel around which would work out great on the trails. Also maybe some dividers or trays of sort inside the box would be handy. I'm getting a chubby right now as I think of this project. Oh yeah....I'm gonna Herculiner you baby....you like that...oh yeah you do!
Good idea. Now to add cupholders.

Well, since he went with the ammo can style, I would suggest getting some old grenade canisters. Can't think of how big they are... maybe need to do some after market customization to them to be able to hold cups. Just rivet them together and or daisy chain them to the front of the ammo can...

What is helicopter ammo? Which helicopter? Sea Stallion? Seahawk? Chinook?
TurkeyMason said:
What is helicopter ammo? Which helicopter? Sea Stallion? Seahawk? Chinook?

That ammo can appears to be a standard newer mk19 40mm linked grenade ammo. There are no differences in helicopter for these ammo cans. Looks cool. Ammo cans are so multifunctional
If you jeeps a manual you could even change out the head of the shifter with one of those after market grenad heads it would go with the ammo box

Hey Terry what did you end up doing with the rest of the old consol. Did you just cut it at the beginning of the cup holders or did you just take the whole thing out and drip in the ammo box?
Ic I'd like to do it to my TJ but I don't wanna cut up my center consol till I know how it's gonna look. So if anyone is planning to do this to there TJ post some pics for me please.
I just found one of these at a truck stop, so I bought it. I remembered this article, and knowing I needed a console, this all worked out. I'd love to keep it all original, but at the same time want to paint it to match my interior. hmm just glad I found it cheap.