so i was down in lbi yesterday driving my jeep on the beach. we went around the end of the island and we drove up the back side a bit. the tide came in and the only way out was to drive in the bay a little bit. about foot to a foot and a half of water. on the way off the island i began to loose charge from the alternator. i flushed it out with some water at a power washer place and some compressed air thinking that would help. long story short i drove 2 hours or so with the alternator giving me a small charge. every now and then the lights would get a little dimmer and i would loose an accesory like the radio or abs. it almost comletely died when i was in trenton nj near the ball park. then about 15 min from home it died. no power what so ever. tried cleaning connections and all that. tried to jump it. nothing. got a tow home and did an alternator today. i am wondering if the salt water could have been what made the alternator go or could it have been the 100k on it that made it decide to give up the ghost. it also had been in some sand and sandy water but i had it in that stuff before and it never stopped running like this. the tow truck guy said the salt water would kill the insides of an alternator but i dont know if he was blowing smoke up my tail pipe or not. my buddy had his tacoma in the same stuff i did but his is running fine, well not the same stuff he did not want to get it that dirty and wet. im just not sure if the salt water did me in or not. here are some pictures of what i did and how my night ended. im in the red shirt feeling like my best friend has just gotten shot and is being taken away in the meat wagon