Crooked rearend?

It's as simple as loosening all the body mount bolts to at least 2 turns in the threads before they come out. Lift the body with a sturdy jack from the rear and one at a time replace the body lift kit and re-installing the body bolts as you go. After your done from the rear to the center, move the jack to the front to finish the rest. Remember, DO NOT install anything taller than 1 inch body lift. Before you torque down all the body bolts, re- measure all the corners to the frame to square the body on to the frame.Shift the body as nesesarry then tighten the body bolts.
I don't think body shift has anything to do with it, she has 2 pics taken straight on showing a physical variation in the axles themselves. I did notice where she said she swapped the wheels out. I would do a quick check to make sure you didn't get an off-wheel with a different backspacing. If it makes you feel any better my CJ has the same problem and nothing wrong I can find.

I don't think body shift has anything to do with it, she has 2 pics taken straight on showing a physical variation in the axles themselves. I did notice where she said she swapped the wheels out. I would do a quick check to make sure you didn't get an off-wheel with a different backspacing. If it makes you feel any better my CJ has the same problem and nothing wrong I can find.

I measured the rims last night. BTW I am a HE....LOL....

The one pic is my daughter sitting in the jeep. I know what you are saying about the physical variation in the side view but it runs pretty straight and I can't find anything else but the jacked up and missing mounts on the passenger side.

I will post pictures of that when my battery charges for the camera.
Well I know I need to at least put on a new body lift. After looking at the body mounts I have a good feeling that this is a major part of the problem.

1st... Is of the passenger rear body mount.
2nd... Drivers body mount.
3rd... Passenger mount in front of wheel.
4th... passenger side body rear.
5th... drivers side body rear.

A BIG thank you to everyone and I will keep you all posted.



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Wow! that is jacked.. That very well be why the Jeep looks like it was going down the road crooked. That body is definitely shifted from the frame. And a BIG WELCOME to you..

VegasCJ7... welcome to Jeepz!

Just curious... what causes the body shifting off-frame like that? :shock: And is it likely to happen on my YJ anytime soon?
It looks like the bolts didn't get torqued down enough and slid the Body mounts around until they seated crooked and stayed that way. It's amazing how a little adjustment can go a long way. Definantly put new body mounts on and I'm with the rest of the guys. That should fix your problem. Good Luck and Great lookin CJ!
Just curious... what causes the body shifting off-frame like that? :shock: And is it likely to happen on my YJ anytime soon?
It's more likely to happen on the taller body lifts, as well as any body lift where the pucks are stacked. Stick with 1" max, and the body lift kits that replace the original body mounts so your new body lift is all one piece are a good idea.

Definately a jacked up body lift for sure. get it straightened out and then you can see if the axles truly are off center. Sorry BTW that pic threw me off ;) you don't live that far away, once I get my jeep going we'll have to hit a couple trails up.
Well the frame is bent. On Wednesday it goes on the rack and I will find out the damage. The drivers side has 1" body spacers. The passenger side had the makeshift body lift parts so the body sat straight. Never noticed it with the skinny tires on it.

I guess it is buyer beware. And the airman I bought it from seemed so honest. Said he built this with his Father and owned it for the past 10 years. I would have to think he knew the frame was bent, hopefully it is not to bad.
Remembering the film Apocolypse Now, "The Horror!"
I had the AMC 20 narrow on Black Betty and it seemed the axles were off kilter, but then we found......Shortly after acquiring this CJ axle grease was seeping out of the hub like yours. Upon removing the axles we noticed that the inner wheel bearings were WELDED to the axle, not by heat/friction, but by someone with a welder! A local shop re kitted this axle with a Yukon 1 piece axle kit. 1st try and the bearing free play was too tight - burned up the wheel bearings. 2nd try, too loose - axle backed out of the housing shortly after leaving shop. 3rd try and things went well for about two months and then noticed some seepage at the rear hub again. Sure enough, the free play had increased. This go, a non stock bearing keeper was installed to hold bearing firmly in place -we hoped! The shop chief noticed that there were two half circle ( ) inserts incorporated into this axle that were part of the 'welded' axle, no mention of these in the AMC service manual that I luckily had acquired since getting this Jeep, and another odd thing is correct free play couldn't be obtained without these half circle inserts. We contacts Randy's Ring and Pinion and learned that a spacer was missing for the kit we had purchased from them earlier. We had to pull the dang thing apart AGAIN and with Randy's on the phone for guidance we set the bearing clearance at the long side of tolerance, 0.62
One week later I smelled that old 'hot bearing' odor

and found the wheel bearings had formed a conga line

So I made a trip out to Mac's Jeep Parts and we pulled a Dana 44 out of an old Jeep Scrambler, installed a Lock Right differential and new bearings throughout and I've not had any issues since (knock on wood). After turning in the AMC 20 for core we noticed that the troubles likely lied in that the reason the inner wheel bearings were welded to the axle shaft were that the axle tubes had become crooked from the diff. also I've heard of the axle tubes on these AMC 20's just not being true with the pumpkin. I sure hope yours is an easier path!

Sorry to those that have seen my re-posting of the aforementioned post and pics, I'm know I'm beating :deadhorse: that dead horse but I thought these pics fantastic
Well I should get the jeep back today or on Saturday. The estimate is 15-16 hours for the straightening of the frame. BTW it was 4" to 4-1/2" bent to the passengers side. See one of my first pics and now I can see it plain as day.