Hey..first of all, welcome....second of all, put the shifter back in nuetral, and turn the ignition off.
There are a couple of questons one must ask him/herself nefore buying a Jeep (or any other vehicle for that matter).
A. What, if any is the alotted budget for the vehicle. Are you spending cash, or is a payment plan an option.
B. Are you lookng for a weekend fun machine, or is this going to be a daily driver. Do you have a family and need reliable transportaton without much expense, or is it okay to shell out a couple of hundred bucks once in awhile ?
C. As far as off-roading, what will you be tackling as far as terrain? Mud, water, rocks, a little of all three ? Are the trails your going to go on extreme, or are they more like a little challenge on a Sunday afternoon.
If you answer these three questions, I'm sure we can offer you a more practicle and proper answer to your question. I just don't want to stear you in the wrong direction.
That said, I welcome you to the world of Jeepers. Sit down, hang on, and please do NOT shut up, we all help each other out, and your opinion here is priceless.
