From the Southwest Desert Commons


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm Robert and been away awhile here on the forum, as I had been in the northwest, and down south in SA and overseas. I am back now in Las Cruces, NM for the last 2 years. Got a mail from an admin to say hello so wanted to drop in and the site looks great-- lots of new posters and Jeeps. Love it.

Here is my Jeep, a 1983 CJ7, I've had for 20 years, rebuilt from a total, and has 1,187,520 miles on its 5th IL 6 engine. Been a Grand and Disturbing adventure. Indeed. This is my 46th year of Jeeps and have had 26 of them over the years. VEX here is the latest. For overseas shipping weight for lading with VEX is 5989 lbs. with all the metal glued on it so I don't pull it apart, but it sure rides nice. Hope all is well here and everyone is doing good.

Thank you,



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Nice ride and trailer there Robert. Welcome back to Jeepz.
Nice CJ7 Robert. Could you give a run-down of some of the gear and set-up on your Jeep? That winch (outrigger/snatch block?) setup is is the rear lighting. If you don't mind do you use your Jeep? Work? Exploring? Fun? All of the above? Thanks


Welcome back to the site. Man that's allot of miles.
Nice CJ7 Robert. Could you give a run-down of some of the gear and set-up on your Jeep? That winch (outrigger/snatch block?) setup is is the rear lighting. If you don't mind do you use your Jeep? Work? Exploring? Fun? All of the above? Thanks


Hello and thank you,

VEX is used for pleasure and my work--thus, all of the above. I am a contract field Archaeologist-Artist for NASA. VEX has been in 123 of the world's 195 countries to date, thus, the mileage. I've had it 20 years, restored from a total. It is my 26th Jeep since my first in 1968, a 1944 MB.

List To Date:

1. Welded frame inside rails with 1" thick plating the height of frame, on inside frame rails.
2. Welded-bolted 2x4 Schedule 80 tubing across front and rear for base bumpers.
3. Added 1" plate in cantilever fashion to both ends of bumpers, back to frame rails.
4. Welded 3/8" thick metal trays for winch mountings.
5. Gusseted same at 5 points under bumper plate mounts.
6. Added 9" vice to right hand bumper end on its own plate mount.
7. Added 2-12,000 MM winches.
8. Replaced winch line with 1/2" cable.
9. Added winch line at 150' rather than 90' as offered by manufacturer.
10. Added 3-60 ton snatch blocks. (carried on line on Jeep front)
11. Added 2 JD 1000 amp batteries
12. Wired entire Jeep for heavy elect. with 2/0 welding cable
13. Added 200 amp alternator
14 Added 2 Aux. batteries for running APUs.
15. Added 110v, 220v, 440v, inverters.
16. Added 110v Block-tank heater.
17. Added 2- 1000 watt aircraft lights to front.
18. Added 4- 800 watt aircraft lights to rear.
19. Added Canon Stereo.
20. Added 800 watt amp.
21. Added 4-6x9 mid ranges.
22. Added 2-5" tweeters.
23. Added interior lighting.
24. Added gauges for oil, fluids, TC temps, T temps, electrical.
25. Added compass, temp, altimeter.
26. Added new Bestop Top.
27. Added new hood, fenders, tailgate.
28. Added new Bestop, bikini top.
29. Replaced windshield frame and glass.
30. Added Bestop center console.
31. Added Bestop high back bucket seats.
32. Added Added indoor-outdoor carpeting.
33. Added T-18 w. mil. spec 7.71 1 st gear.
34. Added 4:1 in Dana 300 TC.
35. Added front and rear 1 ton DLs from F-350, w/CV joints in each at TC.
36. Added twin Dana 60s, F and R (being refurbed at this writing)
37. Added JK sway bar disconnects
38. Added JKS 44" shocks front, 40" rear
39. 14" extended shock tower mounts with 3/8" thick steel plating to frame
40. JKS steel braided extended brake lines
41. Revolver Shackles front and rear
42. Confer shackles for backup, F and R
43. Superior Solid axles in AMC 20, when used
44. Welded and trussed AMC 20 when used.
45. ARB Air lockers, front and rear.
46. 2/0 home made jumper cables.
47. Manual Aux. throttle.
48. 4" Tuff Country Lift.
49. 2" body lift.
50. New high cap. radiator.
51. New window washer hardware, gauge, pump and electrical.
52. 3- 6' 40 ton throw chains.
53. 2-40' 40 ton tow chains.
54. 2-double bit axes.
55. 1- single bit axe.
56. 1- military 36" shovel.
57. 1- complete tool box with sockets, 3 sizes drives, and all other tools.
58. 1- complete electrical box and spares.
59. 2- 18 oz. commercial fire extinguishers.
60. 1- set of 1 ton truck chains.
61. 1- 870 Remington 12 gauge, 3" magnum shotgun, w/ 8 shot magazine extension.
62. 1- .308 Galil
63. 1- .45 Colt auto
64. 2- Mil. 5 gallon gas cans (8 total, 4 more in trailer).
65. Custom built tire and can carrier, swing out.
66. 1- 1 ton mil. pintel hook, rear, for trailer.
67. 5th, 258 IL 6 cylinder engine. (S and S engines)
68. RV Cam.
69. 390 Holley CFM 4 barrel carb.
70. Clifford intake.
71. Clifford steel valve cover.
72. Custom battery trays.
73. Custom TRW solenoid.
74. Custom porcelin ballist resistor.
75. HD Timkin coil.
76. 4 automotive solenoids for all heavy duty Electrical APUs.
77. Points and condenser ignition, no SSI (computer)
78. Tires are 9.50x33 All Traction Radials

You may see more data on VEX and what it does for me here:

Behold Jeep Forum VEX

The heft of VEX is because 4 7s back, I pulled literally apart and swore I've never do another stupid deal like that again. Too, It has pulled out a 66,000 lb concrete truck, stuck, with no errors.

Behold Jeep Forum Winches

Thank you for your comments and questions.

So now we know a lot about REX but let's hear a little bit more about you!

Have you and REX ever been in Denmark? If so where?

I ask because Denmark is my favorite of the countries that I have lived in.

How many countries have you and REX been in, and what was your favorite.

What is REX named after? In Danish it means the one that rules. And it probably means something similar in Latin.

WOW... that is one impressive list of modifications you have going there, now I see some reasoning behind the listed weight.

Knowing the limited space that would be available inside a CJ7 I wonder where you've mounted the two axillary batteries and how they are rigged. Are they continuously charged with a main run battery or switched to charge on a whim?

Then there is that T-18 trany listed as a 7.71:1 ratio, most interesting... where on earth did you locate such a beast. I suppose with it along with the 4:1 ratio T/C one could jump out to take a stretch and walk at an unbelievably slow pace to catchup and crawl back in VEX.

Noticing what appears to be a wicked stance that your jeep assumed with that awe inspiring front axle droop in your other thread, would I be correct with my assumption that you've disconnected the sway bar and shock tube to stage such a remarkable shot?

So now we know a lot about REX but let's hear a little bit more about you!

Have you and REX ever been in Denmark? If so where?

I ask because Denmark is my favorite of the countries that I have lived in.

How many countries have you and REX been in, and what was your favorite.

What is REX named after? In Danish it means the one that rules. And it probably means something similar in Latin.

Hello and thank you.

Actually, my buddy, Dr. John Solberg's TJ Rubicon is named "REX", from one of the Greek God of War.

My Jeep, "VEX" , is named from the Bible; Ecclesiates 1:14: I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

Or, put another way, VEX is a huge hole in my life that I pour money into, which in itself is most "vexing"! Oh well.......Gotta drive something......

Answering further, in the 123 countries I and VEX have been, I have never been to Denmark. But it is a lovely country and good people of the ones I have had the pleasure to meet from there.

I think the most favorite(s) is down home in the Yucatan, where I live when not on assignment. I also love Patagonia at the end of the Earth--the size of the US, pop: 1840 people.

I also love the Mali Empire, Timbuktu, and The Great Sand Commons of the Earth. The entire reach across North Africa, from Casablanca to The Gulf of Oman, Arabia.

The Earth is an empty place, opposite of what we see here in the US, or hear about in the American media. It is also within Jeepin' distance.....

Thank you,

WOW... that is one impressive list of modifications you have going there, now I see some reasoning behind the listed weight.

Knowing the limited space that would be available inside a CJ7 I wonder where you've mounted the two axillary batteries and how they are rigged. Are they continuously charged with a main run battery or switched to charge on a whim?

Then there is that T-18 trany listed as a 7.71:1 ratio, most interesting... where on earth did you locate such a beast. I suppose with it along with the 4:1 ratio T/C one could jump out to take a stretch and walk at an unbelievably slow pace to catchup and crawl back in VEX.

Noticing what appears to be a wicked stance that your jeep assumed with that awe inspiring front axle droop in your other thread, would I be correct with my assumption that you've disconnected the sway bar and shock tube to stage such a remarkable shot?


Great response and thank you. Answers below;

The two main batteries are generally Optima or CAT (Caterpillar), 2 of them, at 1000 amp each. They are powered by a 200 amp alternator for fire trucks, emergency vehicles, etc. The two Aux., are mounted in another tray I built for them in the floor of VEX, rear, right hand side.


Shown, my two 650 amp Delco Batteries for now as the Optimas are in the aux. hook up.


200 Amp John Deere Alternator. I either use JD or CAT. JD this time around-CAT is better, in my opinion.

All electrical in VEX is wired with 2/0 welding cable, NO automotive anywhere, other than the stereo and amp and speakers. All other is just too light, flimsy and will fail in the far reaches of creation.

(There is no diagnostic center-tow facility in The Gobi Desert!)

Both batteries and the 2 aux. batteries charge all the time and are ran through two starter solenoids. And the two aux. run through an inverter as VEX is set up for use as a Stationary Engine, in that through the intverter it is set up for 110v, 220v, 440v and 660v (welders). You can see the inverter plug sticking out of VEX's hood on the fender on the right hand side.

For speed, Audrey and I have a vid of me in VEX, in 2nd gear low range, and he is running off by himself with the front ARB engaged, which allows the Jeep to go in a perfectly straight line, and I am walking off to the side along with him. I do this a lot in the field, as I get tired of riding so, he goes and I walk along or nearby and rock on to the music and see the country side. He behaves, fortunately, unsupervised going along by himself.......

The T-18, two of them I got at the time, for free for hauling them away in 1992 from a wrecking yard, were from a military Deuce and a Half, and the 2-1/2 ton Army rigs are a great source for our Jeeps. They are the only ones I learned later that have the 6.61 or 7.71 first gears. I did not know this when I got them. The scrapper guy just wanted them hauled away.

The suspension is set up with Revolver Shackles, 4" Tuff Country Lift, extended shock towers by 12", 44" Nitro Shocks, and so, VEX has nearly 4 feet of wheel travel, front and rear, which is needed in so much of the world where it finds itself. Yes, I have manual disconnect sway bar links from J and S. I also have JS 4 foot long steel braided brake lines.


Shock towers of 12" plate, 3/8" thick and brace


1" steel plate, lining frame.

And VEX pulling out a 66,000 pound loaded concrete truck, below:


Data on same and winching for those that need information on this:

66,000 lb. Concrete Truck Pullout With VEX

Thanks and hope this helps,

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Nice CJ7 Robert. Could you give a run-down of some of the gear and set-up on your Jeep? That winch (outrigger/snatch block?) setup is is the rear lighting. If you don't mind do you use your Jeep? Work? Exploring? Fun? All of the above? Thanks


Hey Larry,

I forgot to answer about the lighting. Sorry about that.

The front two lights are 32 volt landing lights from a Boeing747 I got from my NASA buddies at NASA-KSC. The four rear ones are 32 volt landing lights I got from the same source, same plane type, both back in 1993. All 6 are ran through an inverter to 12v, then finally trough 6 starter solenoids, and they too are wired with 2/0 welding cable.

The rear ones shine out 2 nautical miles.

The front two shine out 5 nautical miles.

I can see in the jungle at night or out across the vast emptiness of the Sahara Sand Commons.

Sorry for the omission,

Thank you,

Here is the other side of the flex photo with VEX on a rock, up in Montana. You can see VEX's right Revolver Shackle opened. Plan to get extreme flex photos this coming week when down in the Coralittos Desert Commons, down toward the border.



In this photo, VEX still had 4" or so of flex on that lower end, left front-- it looks almost broken--weird till I got used to the Jeep being able to do this sort of thing and still stay level.

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Sir...I've gotta say, you and vex are just about the most mesmerizing thing that's come across my way in a long time. What I wouldn't give to just come to where you are, and just learn all I can from you. Great stuff.... thank you for just being here, and all the wonders you bring.

Whoops sorry it was like midnight here when I was going through the page.

Impressive pictures
Sir...I've gotta say, you and vex are just about the most mesmerizing thing that's come across my way in a long time. What I wouldn't give to just come to where you are, and just learn all I can from you. Great stuff.... thank you for just being here, and all the wonders you bring.

Well thank you so very much and you are most kind. If you do travel a little and head down to Las Cruces, NM, whomever you are sir, you have a place to stay and are are welcome anytime. We can then get together and visit and you can study VEX and I can see your rig as well.

This is a vast empty landscape here and the northern most entrance to The Great Desert Commons of the Chihuahua, Sonora and Bordega Desert Reach, 700 miles of very tough country. It would be fun to plan a short run into this.

Again, you are most welcome and thank you.

Hat is tipped,

Whoops sorry it was like midnight here when I was going through the page.

Impressive pictures

Thank you and I discovered through Google Earth-Maps-Photos of my home when not assignment, down in the Yucatan, my home town Majahual, and there, photos of me and VEX. Odd this. So, I am up late too.......

Google map, photo, earth search result:,+Quintana+Roo,+Yucatan&hl=en&site=webhp&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=RNiSTca_IIi-sQOntaS0Cw&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1425&bih=886

VEX was most pleased.............whew!--good!

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