jps4jeep said:Not sure where Mike put his, but my old CJ I put it on the cross member just in front of the fuel tank. you want to keep it as close to the tank as possible. My CJ was a street queen so you might want to consider possible damage from obsticles or a broken driveshaft swining up and smashing it. some people put it on the frame rail just inside the spring perch too.
jps4jeep said:actually, the pumps are pushing pumps not pulling pumps. it is harsher on the pump to suck the fuel a distance than it is to pressurize the line to the carb from the tank. additionally, you want to keep the pump away from any excessive heat, so the cold fuel will be part of the cooling of the pump. avoid placing the pump near exhaust pipes as well.
and yes, fuel filter before the pump. I like to put a fine screen filter before the pump and a courser screen filter at the carb to collect any potential trach from the pump it'self.
superj said:My holley is on the fender in the engine bay, right behind the headlight. I had my old holleys by the tank and never had any trouble except corrosion on the wires from being exposed to the road spray when it rained. I have had zero problems with this one in the engine bay though. Just prime the line before you hook it up and it'll never drain back and cause vapor issues in the line. I also put a high spot in the line so fuel would have a bubble spot if the line ever broke and not drain all the way back to the tank but I've never had a problem with it. I have way more problems with this stupid weber 34 then any fuel supply issues
superj said:suck the fuel until its in your filter and it should be ok from then on. you just have air in the line and hte pump won;t pump air.
also, that pump is going to crap out on you in a few months. just spend the 100 and get the holley low pressure rebuildable fuel pump. your set up just like i am not, minus the bigger engine
sweetpeet said:I looked up that pump and theres no way it will be able to support my engine. It will suck up the fuel faster than it could pump it.