Good protectant for dull fender flares?


New member

Any suggestions for a GOOD protectant other than "Armor All". Armor All is good but it seems to wear off too fast on the flares. My flares always seem to be dull unless I use a whole bottle on them. Thanks![addsig]


Mine seem dull untill I get a scrub brush after them. I think they are worse at holding dust than Line-X :-) Try scrubbing it with a brush, then use your Armorall. That works for me. And I onlyuse the Armorall wipes.[addsig]

Cod Liver Oil! Just kidding but like the man said you have to remove or scrub away some of the oxidation from the rubber to get down to the good stuff. Tug[addsig]

I am not sure how well this works because i haven't tried it. I have heard that if you take a heat gun to your fender flares it will bring the color back out in them. I would imagine you wouldn't want to heat it up to much though. Like I said i haven't tried it yet but hey it's worth a try.[addsig]


I used Turtle Wax on mine...they are non-painted flares. It made them look like new except for the deep scratches. It only lasts about a month or two but is much better than Armor All.

edited by: Craig, May 14, 2003 - 06:25 AM[addsig]


I bought some mothers back to black for my flares about a 3 weeks ago and it worked great. My faded flares are now "back to black"(haha) and look great. I'm sold.[addsig]

a heat gun will help remove the "oxidation" from them... they tend to tarnish, much like silver... they say that the gun seems like its spraypainting black back on there[addsig]

Will I havent tried it myself yet, I have heard that this stuff will work very well. Armor All actually contributes to the haziness you will see on the flares due to the silicones in it. And no, I do not work for Lexol, but I have used Vinylex on surfaces like this before and it worked very well. Go to Vinylex Protectant for all the info.[addsig]


Once you get Armor-all on there you have to keep it on there or it will haze up terribly. If you make it a habit to do it about once every two weeks the shine stays there. :-D Kind of like Rain-X, weekly applications or you can barely see. [addsig]

If you add a little bit of motor oil to Armorall you get a much thinker longer lasting spray. It looks a lot nicer too.

Try Lemon Pledge. It works fantastic on the plastic windows of the softop so
I tried some on the plastic black fender flares and seems to shine up pretty well.
Haven't tested it over time though because i just did it.[addsig]


I use a "Black Magic" brand silicone spray and it works great and lasts 3 weeks or so depending on rain.[addsig]

first scrub the fenders good with a scrub brush. meguiars makes a tire protectant gel that blows armor all out of the can pick that up at almost any auto parts store or even wal-mart. i put some on my flares it lasted about a month and a half. lasts longer every application.[addsig]