Help...girlfriend hates my jeep!


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My girlfriend hates my jeep because she says I put too much time and money into it. She says I spend more time working on the jeep than with her. I'm running out of excuses here....I need some help! I'd hate to have to decide between her and the jeep. I need some more excuses to work on it.[addsig]


Find a Jeep Girl! They only make so many Jeeps but there are girls everywhere and many of them like Jeeps and I know a few that come with their own wenches. Tug love Momma Tug and Momma Tug love my Jeep. I am a Lucky man Tug[addsig]

I feel your pain Man.Maybe you could join a Jeep club and get her involved in jeeping .Or just work on it when she's not around.My wife hates the word Jeep or anything about it,except when it is time to go trail riding .Take her out on a romantic picnic and just talk about her and not your Jeep. Good luck[addsig]

I feel you man. My girl loves my Jeep, but sometimes she too feels that I want to spend more time with the TJ then her. It sounds like your situation is worse than mine tough. The cool thing is that my lady wants one of those new Scramblers when they come out 8-)

edited by: K-Phat, Apr 29, 2003 - 01:49 AM[addsig]



She's just your girlfriend... I suggest you set this straight before the M word or else you can kiss that Jeep goodbye and say hello to Minivan Land.

Sorry dude.

c :lol: [addsig]

My girlfriend hates my jeep because she says I put too much time and money into it. She says I spend more time working on the jeep than with her.
Whats the problem?

Maybe you should act like MAN, you need to look your girl right in the eyes and say sorry :-(
as long as she doesn't make you sell your jeep, or tell you how to modify it you can have both. But once she pipes up and says "maybe you should sell your jeep"or "its to tall for me to get in with a skirt on" or something, Just remind her not to let the door hit her in the ass on her way out!

edited by: jps4jeep, Apr 29, 2003 - 07:07 AM[addsig]


Put a wrench in her hand and have her help you work on your Jeep .............. Problem Solved ;-) [addsig]

That's harsh haven't even seen K-Phat's girl!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I agree just looks goofy...the Scrambler that is. :-D [addsig]


Did you have the Jeep before you met her? If so, she knew what she was getting into. I'm sorry, but any woman that complains about a guy and his hobbies, needs to go. I have never heard of anyone changing their girlfriends mind about car stuff. For some reason (major generalization to follow....) women hate cars. I know, not all of them do, but cars to women, is like shoe shopping to men. You really need to let her know that it's YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY! Not hers. Hell, tell her that she doesn't spend enough of HER money on YOUR Jeep. See what she says to that.

Todd (married to the coolest Jeep chick)[addsig]

Well, if you want to buy yourself some time to work on your jeep, then buy your gf something. How about a cool piece of jewelry? It's sort of like your starts whining, you buy her something, right? Well, girls start whining, you need to go buy them something. You obviously love your jeep...of course your girlfriend is going to be jealous! So, get out your does'nt have to be something extravagant, just enough to show her you at least show the same respect for her as you do for your jeep. If that fails, find a jeep girl (j/k). [addsig]


ah yup! girlfriends get jealous of jeeps pretty easily. i'm happy, especially because my jeep hasn't acted up recently :-)

edited by: dingus, Apr 29, 2003 - 02:31 PM[addsig]

All you need to do is find here the right jeep. My soon to be wife and I just bought an 04 Grand Cherokee Limited and she loves it. With the V-8 and towing package, it should tow the YJ just fine. Now when I want to spend time, money, etc. on the jeep she is totally coll with it. Just work it to your advantage.



BIG TODD, I have done the impossible!! Where I met Mrs jps4jeep, she did not even know the difference between rear wheel drive and front wheel drive. Over the past 7 years I have molded her into quite the gear head. She wants a tricked out 57 Nomad, fat boy harley, and owns a ZR2 blazer with 32 inchers. oh ya when we met she had a 88 buick, progress. She enjoys wheelin with me, I even have had her help me work on my YJ. It is possible, just time consuming.[addsig]