highschool, guns, and crazy kids


New member

ok so i dont remember if i said anything when it first happened, so ill give some back ground, and then the update:
about 2.5 months ago i was in wrestling practice and out school resource officer (school cop) came in and told me he needed to speak to me. I figured id parked in a teachers spot or somthing, anyway...he brings me into the locker room and askes me if id ever heard of this kid john doe (name changed for soon obvious reasons). I told him i knew who doe was but hadn't talked to him in maybe 6 or 7 years. he then tells me that doe made a threat over the internet that he wanted to bring a gun to school and put it up to my head. I didn't think this was too big a deal, but the cop wanted to me press chagres, so i did. we get him suspended for 2 weeks but cannot do anything more than that. The asst, DA of this lovley commonwealth said that becuase he didn't make the threat directly to me, i wasn't able to press charges of assult or anything against him...so anyway, time goes by. I avoid this kid beacsue kicking his ass would only get me suspended for my senoir wrestling season and we dont want that.
This brings us up to about a week ago. Im walking down a back hallway in the school towards the parking lot to move my jeep before practice. Comming towards me is Doe, pushing a hand cart (not sure why he had that). he was swerving it at people in the hall making like he was gonna run them over. he does the same to me and i make eye contact w/ him for a moment, and then pass him. I then hear him say "what the #$%& is that look for?" i turn around and see him raising his arms in a fashion that he wasn'ts to fight me. He then says a few more comments along the lines of the first and advances towards me. Another fellow in the hall and then a janitor grab him and pull him away from me. at this point hes using very bad phrases in refrence to me trying to get me to fight him. I walk out the door and then report this to the officer the next day.
At lunch that day (the day following the hall inicendet) he sits across from me, but on the other side of the caff. Through out lunch i am watchign him out of the coner of my eye (which seem a good idea to me) and at one point we make eye contact. at this he stands up in shouts across the caff "what the #$@! are u looking at? do you have something to #$@ing say?" the entire room freezes and looks at him. Teachers rush in and drag him out and the whole nine yards.
He was suspended for the remining few days before vacation, and there is where my story leaves off. fun eh?


humm....very interestien....so why does he hate you[addsig]

wow... that's crazy. if he attacks you, can you take him? if i were you i'd kick his ass.[addsig]

Be careful man. I personally wouldn't fight him.... just one more reason for him to go postal.[addsig]


well, the reason he hates me never surfaced, but i did describe me as "the foil of his existance" how bout them apples? and yes i could take him, but the coward would probibly pull a knife or something, which would just complicate things more

dude be careful, a kid at my school just got busted for bringing a gun to school. theres crazy people out tehre and he sounds like one of them. i dont personally know if hes stupid enough to bring a gun to school, but if he is dont fight him, if he isnt then id maul him mercylessly and say if you ever pull that gun crap again ill finish you off, lol something along the lines of that maybe. on second thought run.[addsig]

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NONNONONONONONOONONONONONOONONON I CAN NOT STRESS NOOOOOOO ENOUGHT~!!~ ok you threatin him thats what he wants hun dont do it... you wanna stay wrestling DO NOT THREATIN HIM DO NOT SAY ANYTHING TO HIM..... beleive me!!!!! my sister told someone who threated to kill me and she got kicked of cheerleading and everything and she got suspended jsut for saying you touch my sister i swear to god on my baby sisters grave i will kick your @$$ from here to next week... and she got into sooo much trouble... dont threatin him or anything thats what he wants babe dont do it dont do it dont do it DONT DO IT!!! if he touches you first ... kick his motha f'in @$$ ok!! hehe ill holla back keep me informed on how things go .... take care and WATCH YA BACK!!! --ASH[addsig]

Yeah dude be careful and don't take it into your own hands. If he makes threats or whatever just let the police handle it. It aint worth it man.[addsig]


i would kick his a$$, but you should do it somewhere away from school 8-) [addsig]

Obviously from what you've told me in a sense is that this guy is nothing but talk. You notice how he never pushes you or even swings at you, he just runs his mouth like he's Mike Tyson. I wouldn't mess with him at school if at all possible, but the moment I saw him off of school grounds I'd beat his wimpy little a$$. People here say to let it be and that's fine if they feel that's safer, but I'm the kind of person that stands up for myself, what I believe in, and personally no one will ever attempt to control me and how I live. Kick his a$$[addsig]

Sounds alot like my high school.... your a senior tough it out stay away from the kid and go without incident to college where people are normal and for the most part only want to drink and get laid. But if the kid swings at you beat the living Sh$t out of him.[addsig]


Sounds alot like my high school.... your a senior tough it out stay away from the kid and go without incident to college where people are normal and for the most part only want to drink and get laid. But if the kid swings at you beat the living Sh$t out of him.

Roger that, "Judge".

Just remember, if you can't be good, don't get caught.

Senior, I'm assuming you are considered an adult by the penal code of your State, be a shame to end up in County Jail, for kicking a 'turd'.[addsig]