Hoard the Twinkies

With a 25 day shelf life.....yummy

Sent from my McDonald's happy meal toy phone using Jeepz
I just filled the freezer with them. I am going to see if I can have some freeze dried... My kids could sell them for thousands of dollars each in 40-50 years.....LOL the unions did a great job destroying another company and a piece of Americana in process of it! The 18,000 workers that lost their jobs will no longer have a job or a pay check but hey, they are going to have "free healthcare".......

I just filled the freezer with them. I am going to see if I can have some freeze dried... My kids could sell them for thousands of dollars each in 40-50 years.....LOL the unions did a great job destroying another company and a piece of Americana in process of it! The 18,000 workers that lost their jobs will no longer have a job or a pay check but hey, they are going to have "free healthcare".......
I stopped by a Merita bread store today, they were closing. They are somehow tied to Hostess. Merita has been in businesss for over 100 years.

Yea.. free health care.. you get what you pay for.
I know Wonder Bread is owned by Hostess. Now FLOTUS should be happy no more junk food..... For us anyway. Just try to imagine 18K people out of job at the same time just from one company. Glad that my Jeep is paid for and don't own any money to the bank. Gas can go up to $10.00 a gallon and I am still ahead. No payments, low insurance, can take me deep into the woods to go hunting if I need to eat. I will survive and my Jeep will help me do it......
Brands affected:

Baker's Inn
Blue Ribbon
Bread du Jour
Butternut Breads
Di Carlo
Dolly Madison
Dutch Hearth
Good Hearth
Home Pride
J.J. Nissen
Mrs. Cubbison's Foods
Nature's Pride
Standish Farms
Wonder Bread
You would throw the anti-union political rhetoric in an otherwise decent thread. You are naive and gullible to think the Unions caused the demise of the company.
Grupo Bimbo will buy Hostess just like they've bought everyone else. Twinkies will be around for a long time. Grupo Bimbo owns most Sarah Lee products, Entenmann's, Orowheat, and Thomas English Muffins. They also own the Hostess brand in Mexico.

Bounty__Hunter said:
You would throw the anti-union political rhetoric in an otherwise decent thread. You are naive and gullible to think the Unions caused the demise of the company.

Hate to say this.....

But the group was asked to take a 8% cut to save the company, and they refused. Unions as a whole has worked great for collective bargaining but without that 8% cut they couldn't restructure that far in debt. Bad managment decisions? Don't know the whole story here, but to take a 8% cut in pay to save your job, or unemployment. Think I would taken the pay cut.

Sent from my McDonald's happy meal toy phone using Jeepz
Not sure about taking a pay cut,once you do next year they say they in more trouble and need another pay cut.after a few years you will be paying to work there.There product sells very well and there is a demand for it,so sounds more like bad management to me.
It was 8% cut in benefits including a clause that the workers will have to pay a deductible for prescriptions and doctors visits. They were paying nothing up to this point. Most people that have real jobs pay through the nose for health insurance and deductibles. The unions were expecting to strong arm the company. They fell flat on their faces and now are goings accept going through the mediators.... I wish that all the companies did the same. Close the damn doors, open as a new company and hire people that want to work. Unions had a purpose at one time but now they over stepping their purpose. They are destroying manufacturing in this country. Most of the companies that are moving their operations out of the country are union companies.... Wonder why???
Most people that have real jobs pay through the nose for health insurance and deductibles.
Bahahaha tough to argue with that, guess affordable health care shouldn't be a perk of a job or used to attract the best candidates for a position.

I smell a rat, I think the Union was used as a scapegoat for corporate greed or mismanagement.
Yeah, the unions helped place the final nail in the coffin, but they can't take the whole blame. Management sealed the company's fate long before this. They didn't bother updating their products, the marketing, policies, etc. They thought the company would keep running as it had since the '70s. The employees had pensions. What company does that? The union thought they had the company by the balls, and the company had no fight left. I'm no fan of unions. They're outdated and self-serving. I was in the machinists union and the only thing they did was protect the guys who didn't show up for work or cried foul when they were asked to stay over. I'm sure that all unions aren't the same. In this instance, sometimes job security means more than bleeding the company dry while you can.

Bahahaha tough to argue with that, guess affordable health care shouldn't be a perk of a job or used to attract the best candidates for a position.

I smell a rat, I think the Union was used as a scapegoat for corporate greed or mismanagement.
If you smell a rat and think the union was unfairly blamed, back it up with facts. The poor unions are always blamed wrongly..... And the management and ownership is always the bad guy. People need to man up and take responsibility for their actions. There are more that enough laws in place now to protect the worker. In the past they weren't any so the unions had to protect them. Not anymore. Lets start posting here how many of you are covered 100% on your insurance and don't pay a penny for deductible.... I am self employed, pay $1,600 per month for my insurance and my wife pays $1,400 for the same. We both have pre existing conditions. I still pay $100 for my scripts an doctor's visit. Hospital is $250 per day for the first 5 days and covered after that ( that is for each hospital stay). I bet that is more than the Hostess employees were paying. I don't want to argue with anyone but folks, enough is enough. Milking our economy at the expense of our children isn't right. Some things can't continue this way much longer. I apologize if I stepped on anyone's shoes. I didn't mean that.
What laws are now in place that offer the protection Unions offer?

Are you accepting it's the fault of the Union because the management and media told you it was?
What laws are now in place that offer the protection Unions offer?

Are you accepting it's the fault of the Union because the management and media told you it was?

Are you kidding me?? There are laws regarding minimum wage so there are no sweat shops, no discrimination in the work place, safety regulations, equal pay for equal work, leave of absence, American with disabilities act and so on. If you are referring to protecting lazy people from getting fired, providing exorbitant pay for people with no qualifications high enough to justify earning that kind of money, then these laws not exist. I don't want to continue beating a dead horse here we started with twinkles and here we are...... But then again you are from Illinois and grew up in a union environment where "the union will protect you" and when you guy loose your jobs because the unions, instead of looking at why and how to avoid that from happening again, you just blame others (ie company, greed, wealthy) but don't want to admit any responsibilities of your own. Keep hiding your heads in the sand and see what is going to happen...... I can make my own money, thank you very much, I don't need no union to do that for me.... I am a man and I can stand on my own. That is what separates the men from the boys. I am done with this thread, time to move on to something else. I can't educate people that don't want to learn....

Not sure about the laws in other states but PA is a at will state,which means a company can fire you for no reason at all.My wife was a victim of this.She busted her butt worked up in the company and started making decent money.All of sudden they say that job isnt needed any more here is your ink slip.2 Weeks later a posting in the paper for the job she had starting at a much lower rate.I have seen this time and time again.I dont agree with everything a union does but with out it I would not have a job.The company I work for has union per office.Mine has it,but our office an hour to our south does not.I have seen what they go through.No raises for 3 years while ins went up atleast 5% every year.mean while the company grossed 4.5 billion each of those years.Does the union benefit lazy people,yes I do agree with that part,but it also helps the people that just want an honest pay for honest job.