Jeep Scavenger Hunt.

Can't anyone get a pic, I'm sure there's some firefighters on here somewhere...

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Pictures RN, we wants new pictures of your mythical jeep. Lol

Sent from my McDonald's happy meal toy phone using Jeepz
Thanks engine 21 for sharing your garage. :). I got the fire engine, the fire truck, and the fireman in the pic. :)

Next: Jeep in an airplane hanger


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I could get the airplane hanger but I'm too busy for the next week or two. I might be able to get the bonfire pic Friday night

our hangers are no pic zones. the MPs will confiscate your camera or phone if you are seen taking pics. national security
How about... a jeep with at least 3 stupid stickers on it. You know the stickers that you get with your products. Find a jeep with a bunch of those stuck to its side or tailgate or bumper or wherever.

TrailRatedRN said:
How about... a jeep with at least 3 stupid stickers on it. You know the stickers that you get with your products. Find a jeep with a bunch of those stuck to its side or tailgate or bumper or wherever.

And how is showing what you've got going for you stupid?

ScubaDude said:
And how is showing what you've got going for you stupid?

What you've got going for you? You mean driving an advertisement on wheels is what you've got going for you? I've got a lot more than that going for me. Lol

I don't mean that you are stupid if you wanna cover your jeep in stickers. I just think the stickers are stupid. I also think tire covers are stupid. Decorative valve stem caps are stupid. Dealership license plate covers are stupid. Rearview mirror decorations are stupid. But if you wanna do any of these things I will think nothing less of you for it. Okay, little guy?