Jeep Scavenger Hunt.

I can't seem to find a muscle car to save my life right now, tho I didn't take my jeep to work, if I could come across one the I would be good and would get my jeep

I know someone with a monte... Ill get the picture at some point... Eventually.

I got it.

Next one is a jeep and a karmann ghia

Holy crap!!!! Just looked it up...don't think ill get that one in a cowboy town of 4000. I'm out.
Somebody actually had one of these, I live in a town of 250, promise ya they don't have these here but ill take the jeep to work and look around
Body shop just said they expect to be done with the jeep by next Friday. Woohoo. Get a load of this: the tech assigned to the job was out sick today, but the lady on the phone says he reported nothing wrong with the radiator or fan... The radiator was part of the fan and all of the fluid was on the ground at scene. Hmmm... How else would the radiator loose all of its fluid?

I hate having the jeep 100 miles away. I wanna be in that garage!!!

That seems to be typical where ever you go anymore,right hand dosent know what the left hand is doing. At times the right hand dosent know what it is doing. I feel that I have to stay right on top of a situation in order to get things done,folks are just to irresponsible in my opinion.
Well that just sucks, hopefully it will be fixed in tiptop shape and this will just be a memory for ya in a few weeks
Thanks. Would any of you believe that neither the fan nor the radiator needs replacing. I saw them; they were bumping nasties. How could a radiator have lost its fluid and not need replaced? That fan had to be bent when the radiator mated with it. The frame was bent for fk sake! Am I making sense here? Maybe I should make my way over there to investigate,

Anyway, pretty off topic, yes? Lol. Just excited to get my jeep back and start participating in the scavenger hunt.

SuperJ what kind of car is that? Looks like someone threw it out with the trash
It's actually a kit car of a gt 40. There is also a fiero set up with a chevy 350 just out of the pocture

This count?


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I ran into a water ditch lol

I didn't know it was under the water until it hit it


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