New member

How come you guys in the little jeeps don't wave. All the stock jeeps never wave, but all the trail ready jeepers wave why is that. Maybe thay just have a jeep so thay will think that thay are cool. Maybe the trail ready guys are more into there jeeps then thoes little stockers. Not to piss off you stockers but you just need take off the tie and not be so uptight.



my jeep is kinda stock, and i wave at every one i see in a jeep... well all the cj/yj/tj... most fjs dont wave back b/c they are driven by a soccermom or some "cool" guy that has never used the small shifter[addsig]

My Jeep is 100% stock and I wave to eery other jeep on the road except liberties because none of them around me wave back. And I know that most if not all of the people on this board with stock jeeps wave, so :-P



If I HAD my tie on, I might take personal offense to your remark. I have a 100% stock 99 TJ (a Sahara, at that) and I use mine to the point of ABusing it lol. From the no quick disco's to the 30" G.S.A's, she takes a pounding almost every weekend (anyone around here can attest to that, but Nate has seen it first hand). She sees deep water, mud, loose gravel, sand, rocks, ruts, and boulders. Let's not forget the stumps lol. I'll take her anywhere, and go confidently knowing that my skill and her genes will ALWAYS bring me back. I'm not a soccer mom, or have a PJ, the scratches and dents will tell you all you need to know......oh by the way, I WAVE TILL MY HAND HURTS, AND THEN WAVE SOME MORE lol.


Rob :-P 8-) :-)

edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 09, 2003 - 09:13 PM[addsig]

How many posts did this get to the last time it came up? :-D :-P

hehehe I wave to the CJ/YJ/TJ folks. Even at night. I figure my hand might reflect
in their head lights, don't want 'em to think I'm unfriendly...

My 97 is mostly stock. However, I just got whacked with the employment stick. So
the mod plans are gearing up. I don't know which to be happier over, having a job in
this economy, or finally having cash to dump in to the jeep. :-D :-D



Actually... its not that all stock jeeps are non-wavers... its just that most non-wavers drive stock jeeps... most of them are the PJ drivers. they don't know what a jeep is.. they think its just a trendy vehicle. I know MANY MANY stock jeepers that wave. I only know of ONE built jeeper that doesn't wave. Its basically that a built jeeper is more likely to wave than a stock jeeper. this is because most people who don't know about the wave, don't know enough of what they are driving[addsig]


I wave to all jeeps and have not recieved 1 wave i ride a xj stock like dingus xj> well i still wave but alot of the time i just think its a waste! But then again the peaple in my state and town are totaly stuck up ! keep waving! see ya! :-D [addsig]

This is not about the performece of your stock jeep. People were i live don't wave with stock jeeps. Have you ever waved at a jeeper and not get a wave back. That sucks. As for " tug and pull " That's all you will ever do in that little jeep, is tug and pull your way out. If you spent as much time on your jeep with your wisdom and not online you won't have to tug and pull your jeep off the little trails. That is for my pedstal!!! This was only about people that don't wave. [addsig]


i have 2 reasons why i think "stock jeeps" don't wave.

1. they are to busy trying to see what you have done to your jeep that they forget that they are even driving.

2. they are upset becuase they are on the way to the auto parts store because they broke another part the night before trying to follow one of the non "stock jeeps" :evil: [addsig]

I just got a Jeep and 99% of the jeeps wave a each other. For that 1%... well... just give them time and the'll give-in

HAVING A JEEP MEENS FREEDOM, and the people that wave feel just the same way you do and that's why they wave! :-) [addsig]


Two things, then I'm done on this topic.

1. Best not to disturb Tug, he's a staple on this board, and you'll not only get a whomping from him, there will be a long line of fellow Jeepers wating for thier turn.

2. I'll follow you ANYWHERE you can go, might take me a little more time, but I'll be pullin' up beside you when all is said and done.


That's me at the top lol This hill is on an access road leading to a trail at Paragon

Rob :-P 8-) :-)

edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 09, 2003 - 11:06 PM[addsig]


im really lame but sometimes i take my wifes car out for errands or whatever and i see a jeep any jeep and i still wave. some people wave back and some dont. and then im like duh your not in a jeep, dummy!some habits are hard to break[addsig]

I have noticed that also. When I first got my jeep I was not aware of the "Jeep Thing" life. Never got a wave and never thought about it. As soon as I lifted her and put on some 35's I was getting lots of waves. I soon caught on and waved at every jeep around. I have noticed that the stockers just give me a funny look. If only those stockers that only use them to get to work and back and around town knew what their wheels could do offroad then they might understand... Always remember! Once you go jeep you wont go back! and always say hello to you new family you joined....

Wave wat everyone. Even if they dont wave back! Let them know that you are friendly... They will understand after thinking about it over their drive to wherever they are going

edited by: Jeepin91, Mar 09, 2003 - 11:15 PM[addsig]


boy, are things getting a little testy around hear or what . have noticed in the past couple weeks a lot of bitchen and moanen. wonder if the state of the world has everyone on edge or is it that is geeting so popular that we are getting people that dont truely have that jeep thing just a thought....odax :-x [addsig]