Summer Giveaway - sponsored by Right Channel Radios

I can't remember if I posted but I don't think so. If so, allow the lady one error okay? lol

Hey, Heather!!!!! Good to see ya' back!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:

Back for the freebies, eh?!?!:rofl::rofl::rofl::beer:

I'm sure we're ALL about the freebies!!!!

Don't be a stranger, LGF!
Congrats to the lucky winner (drumroll please).....


I'd like to take the time to thank our sponsor, Right Channel Radios - without them this couldn't happen. Please keep them in mind if you ever need a CB.
Terry, I think you made a mistake!!! You were obviously going by birthdates, and eliminating yourself. You missed the part about "the old bastid wins"!!!!:p:purple::purple::purple::purple::purple:

Congrats, Monkey!!!! And many props to Terry for comin' up with this idea (oops...........and the sponsors, too!!!!:D)
Hey...My name is really I win? ;)


Doesn't anybody believe me?

Oh well...I guess the best JeepMonkey won...congrats!

Is JeepMonkey your CB handle too?

Have fun with that radio kit...


Rigged! This contest was fixed!, I wanna a recount! And no excuses about the chad stuff this isn't Florida!
LOL well I should say Congrats JeepMonkey...but I wont! nope! you paid Terry off! admit it! lol

And a special Thank you for Right Channel Radio's, you guys are awsome! and when I need a new antenna I am going to stop by for that Wilson flex atenna thats so cool!