just had some trouble with my lug nuts, figured i'd share...


Active member

Well, i have learned the hard way that the original lug nuts on these here jeeps are 2 piece construction. this means that there is a cover over the actual nut itself, which means bad things can happen. look:

the shell (on the left) came apart from the part on the right! the two together still for example here:
(tip: use an 18mm socket if yours crack off, that's the right size)

this is before they separate, notice there is a seam below where the wrench would go on. anyways, i got stranded out with no tools one night kuz i got a flat. i had to hammer a socket over a rounded off lug that had the cap cracked off. the fix? go buy some solid one-piece lugs! i got mine from napa, be about 25 bucks if you want to know price. i picked up a set of locks, so my cost was about $30.

also, many shops use impact guns to tighten your lug nuts. sometimes this makes them VERY difficult to remove; i'd suggest going over your own just to make sure you are capable of removing them so that you don't get stranded somewhere.

ps. this is also viewable on my website in the tech section. click here for my website[addsig]


oh, and the cool part... i broke 2 craftsman ratchets, and they replaced them! :-) i was so proud walking in there with broken tools... they must thing i'm strong or something! :-)



Hey Dingus, Gettysburg Called They Want Their Cannyons Back.[addsig]

I've been dealin with those darn covers coming off the lugs for a loooong time, luckily I've never had any problem getting a 3/4" socket to still fit, although slightly loose. 18mm would ensure you wouldn't round it off. The only think I've used 18mm for was the bellhousing bolts, otherwise it's a bit of an oddball to carry in the jeep :lol: [addsig]

Ford Ranger has the same sick excuse for lug nutz. Replace em like the man said. As for the Gun's " I just would not have done that " lamo Tug[addsig]


Tug, please tell me you meant LMAO and not LAMO!

Dingus got

Good advice Dingus. I was putting on a set of lock-lug nuts on my TJ and everything went well until I got to the spare. One of the lugs was just a "nut". Of course it was rusted on and I broke two 3/4" sockets. I had to take the spare tire bracket off WITH the tire still on it which is not supposed to be done!!! I had to grind off the back side of the stuck lug to get it off. So it is good advice to check those lug nuts! I'm just glad I found this problem while I was at home and not on the road.[addsig]

can i make a suggestion to all of yall??? go get an air compressor and an impact wrench!!!! no, really....... i mean it :lol: [addsig]


Allright, thnking back on it, I agree that the post might have been in poor taste. I have since deleted the post. To all who read it and might have gottten offended, I sincerly appologize.


:-P 8-) :-) [addsig]