member status

It seems there are only Junior Members and Senior Members. I doesn't appear to take many posts to achieve Senior status.

I think we need a few more categories.
no i was just wondering, i really dont care what i am. if your petty enough to get in an argument over post count classifications then grow up... (thanks not directed at anyone)

I'm sure that site admin sets that.
I am on some other forums where I was just a member a little over a month, and when I hit 100 post, boom!, I are a senyor member!:lol:
wasn't this the site before where there was a bit of an uproar about names and post count? i could have sworn that there was one that got people all bent out of shape here like for between posts 1000-1500 you were "web-wheeler" or something. people take stuff too seriously.
bchcky said:
wasn't this the site before where there was a bit of an uproar about names and post count? i could have sworn that there was one that got people all bent out of shape here like for between posts 1000-1500 you were "web-wheeler" or something. people take stuff too seriously.
Yeah that was our Jeepz :lol:
bchcky said:
wasn't this the site before where there was a bit of an uproar about names and post count? i could have sworn that there was one that got people all bent out of shape here like for between posts 1000-1500 you were "web-wheeler" or something. people take stuff too seriously.

Those were the days... good riddence
yeah, I thought it would be a good idea to poke fun at the new guys, probably not one of my greatest moments. Here are the way things stand now:

Junior member - 0
member - 30
senior member - 100

They seem to vanillia to me, but we don't need another uprising. If you guys can think of some non-offensive alternatives I'd be happy to hear.

new member - 0
Junior member - 50
Member - 100
senior member - 500
Jeepz fanatic - 1000
Doesn't have a life - 2000
Doesn't own a jeep, spends all of their time here - 5000
Needs a new life - 10,000
In need of serious help - 20,000
Utah_jeepster said:
Doesn't have a life - 2000
Doesn't own a jeep, spends all of their time here - 5000
Needs a new life - 10,000
In need of serious help - 20,000

You're trying to stir the pot aren't you?
0-2000= Dipwad
2000-10,000 Super Dipwad

Sparky only= Greatest Jeeper of all Time!!!!!!

There...that should settle all arguments.

TerryMason said:
You're trying to stir the pot aren't you?

Personally Terry it doesn't bother me in any shape or form. I think you could cut the titles and no one would care, let me rephrase that no one should care.

I just added those to poke fun at this issue.

Really does it matter how many posts you have?

I dont think so...
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Utah_jeepster said:
Personally Terry it doesn't bother me in any shape or form. I think you could the titles and no one would care, let me rephrase that no one should care.

I just added those to poke fun at this issue.

Really does it matter how many posts you have?

I dont think so...

:agree: .....It's not when you post, or how often you post, but WHAT you post that matters.

I'm on here almost every night, but I guess I just don't have much to say.