Military Jeep run S.Newengland

Yes it will be MAY 22,23. with camping.

Saturday: Miltary run
saturday night: Black out/night run.

This is open to Miltary Jeeps (willys,M38's and others)

We have mapped out the run and picked the meeting/camping/dinning spot. We are looking for military and military looking Jeeps. The theme is Olive green and camo. for details
Do real tree camo seat covers in my vehicle count?

it's a M1009.. and actual military vehicle, kinda like the willy's tj I guess ;)
Great run on Saturday small turn out 6 Jeeps 4 were Willys. We are looking at doing it next year. Plus I'm planning a CJ only Run (will include Military Jeeps) 41-86 Want in contact
Date: TBA
Location: S. New England.