Problems with Jeep Cherokee(plain)99


New member
Hey guys. First Thanks for having me. I appreciate any help on this that you all may have. Have a 99 Jeep Cherokee 4.0 that started dying out here and there so I changed the CRank Sensor and it started right up and ran for about a month or so fine. Then was driving down the road and just quit and hasn't started since. I am pulling my hair our trying to get this thing back up and running. I have changed the fuel pump,cam sensor,plugs and wires,ignition coil and checked the fuel pump relay. I was thinking I might have done something wrong when i replaced the pump but when I am cranking it over I am getting pressure to the fuel rail for a few seconds before it peters out and I can hear the pump kicking on when i turn the key. I have also tried starter fluid in the air cleaner and cleaned all the connections with electronic cleaner and still nothing. It doesnt seem like it is getting any spark. I am very confused at this point and need your help.Thanks again for your input
Fuel, air and spark are the three things you need. You said you had fuel press so that's good. Check your air intake just to make sure you didn't suck something in there( or something didn't make it a new home, you can disconnect a spark plug wire and see if you're getting spark, usually best to do in a dark garage or at night. Putting a test light on one should also work. As a diesel tech. I often bang my head off of the wall until I realize I should maybe check the fuse box first. You're on the right track though, and once you isolate the problem as Air, Fuel or Spark, it'll move right along and be back on the road. Remember, let us know how it turns out. Maybe the next Jeeper that logs on has the same problem. Good luck.
try having someone bang front of your gas tank while you crank it see if it starts if so its a bad fuel pump

Trace the ignition spark plug to cap. Distributer to coil, ign module. if you have pwr there then its most likly a bad sensor like cps.
This may help


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have you had any luck?if so could you share what was needed?I have a 99 jeep cherokee with the exact same problem.Debating on sending it to the dealer next week unless i can figure something out.
