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Often times when we help a friend we hear a common string of concerns:
"Clunks, bangs, rattles - what are they?"
When we get our hands on the Jeep to diagnose we immediately notice some common problems that are easy to correct.
1. Stock length driveshafts on lifted Jeeps.
2. Stock length sway bar links on lifted Jeeps.
3. Stock muffler "redesigned by nature."
Below is an example of such issues on our good friend Tanya's 2 door JK. She wheels it regularly and just came back from a long road trip to Mammoth, California. Ended up burning out the rear driveshaft.
By burning we literally mean there was fire coming up into her cabin.
Once on the lift we watched her rear droop and the sway bar links actually make contact with her brake calipers.
When sway bar links can extend that fully there is an extreme risk of the sway bar actually inverting. Bad news.
The flip side is how easy it is to correct that issue. Longer/adjustable sway bar links are on their way. When it comes to the rear driveshaft - we can't stress enough how important it is to match your driveshaft length to your new suspension kit. Lifts change more geometry than just "will my tires clear."
As far as muffler caving goes - that's very common. Again - easy to correct. Either a muffler relocation or a muffler skid can be used. We vote for a muffler relocation as it moves the muffler to a safer location and frees up departure clearance.
All in all an easy save for Tanya.