Stereo instalation


New member

Im about to have my stereo installed by a few friends in the upcoming weekend. Are there any surprises I shoule know about in a jeep when having a stero installed? Are there any tricks that should be done as to not make it skip so much.... are there any problems that would be unexpected in regular car installation but I would run into installing one in a jeep?[addsig]


Hey ZB, Just replaced mine in my yj. I just made sure that the deck was nice and snug in the bracket. All I know is that mine had a mess of wires behind it, but I got it all straightend away, and made sure it was all labeled.[addsig]

when i installed mine i had to deal with a lack of a connector, so i had to read the color options off the chart on the back of the OEM head unit, and match colors each individually. it eventually did work however, but i did have to cut the moulding a little to get my head unit to fit in place. i also hard-wired my radar detector to the accessory power.


now nate, maybe ur XJ is a badass one of them ex-police issue thats tested to 140mph, but how many jeeps can even go fast enough to need a radar dector? i hit 80 and i start praying to the please-dont-let-me-flip-and-burn-in-a-firey-death-cage-of-hell gods. well, night


My xj has no problem crusin down the highway at speeds about 85 mph....i don't know exactly becasue the needle is burried.


When I bought my YJ it had NO stereo in it at all. I too could not find the connector (looked everywhere...local stereo shops, autozone, napa, even wal-mart). No one seemed to have it. All had the one for a TJ but they are different. I did find a diagram for it (the net is great) and got it all hooked up. I also had to trim the dash hole a bit for it to fit.[addsig]

I don't know exactly where the air con unit is at on the TJ's , but on my YJ (1995) , I had to unbolt the air con unit to get the stereo installed.Also, try to find the harness adapters. You don't want your friends to do a crappy job by hardwiring it and be at risk of having your precious Jeep cartch on fire or something.Hope this helps-al[addsig]


Most shops should have a wiring harness for any jeep. They changed when the body styles changed in 96 (XJ) 97(TJ) and the ZJ has always had the 2 piece harness. If you can't find it under jeep, a old 12 pin suburu harness or a pre 94 izuzu rodeo harness will also work. I don't know why you would have to remove the air controls k k psi guy? On any YJ there are 6 screws holding the center dash on. pull those out, then the two screws that hold the factory radio bracket on, unplug and remove.

If possible, try to avoid filing down the dash to have a protruding install, this looks like junk (to me at least) but more importantly, the entire bottom of the dash will start to droop and sag in about a years time, if you hit a bump hard enough, that plastic is not strong enought to support the weight of the deck, and finnally, doing this type of install makes that expensive deck 10X easier to steal.

I was an installer for years, I have put hundreds of decks in hundreds of jeeps and I have seen it all.

One warning for TJ install. When you buy that harness, and you are wiring it to the harness that comes with your new deck, the Dark brown wire is NOT ground, you must use the ground on the back of the factory deck, either held on with a screw to the back or a female spade connnector.[addsig]

I went ahead and spent 10 bucks at the local Electroninc Super Store (insert any major name) and bought a install kit the second time around. Holds the unit much tighter and really made a difference in the skip factor in my stereo. Still have to resort to FM off road. But then it is usually Public Service I hate commercials. Dose anyone out there have XM in their Jeeps? tug[addsig]

Hey whats an air con unit ????? I though you all had two 50 air... You know two windows down at 50 mph.... :lol: :lol:

I'm with Tug, I had the pros do mine and it's great. The cd does skip but only on the bumps.... :-P

enjoy and have fun.... OlllllO 8-) [addsig]


i had my cd player rockin' when rob and i were at paragon... didn't skip much at all... i have a decent player, JVC... but it has only skipped about 10 times in the 6 months i've had it.[addsig]