Stock Upgrades for a 95 yj


buy a new engine:)

Well..........uh....I wouldn't get that carried away.....

This is how I am approaching the potential buildup of my new 4 CYLINDER TJ. I am going to take it off road as much as possible...when I see somthing that needs improved I will do so....I think this road is the easiest way to be happy with your end result (this is the path that I took with my last vehicle, 88 K1500, and was very happy)




to swap that would be more expensive than to trade yours and get a 6 cyl. but like said.. take if off road... when you feel you lack somewhere.... fill that void... if you break something... then you know something that should be upgraded[addsig]

ive got the same setup u have. so far ive added a ram intake which really improves mid range power and tourque in my opinion. this spring im gonna attack the xust system and eventually swap in a new throtle body. just some ideas...good luck

Never underestimate the 2.5 L High Output 4 banger. Driveing skills will take you where even a V8 can not! In 4 lo the 4 banger may as well be a monster. Just my 2 cents Tug ;-)

edited by: Tug-n-pull, Mar 06, 2003 - 09:51 PM[addsig]


Will a new intake really give me more power??? what one is good for the set up i have :-? [addsig]

Hmm lets see here....since I purchased it in June of 2002 my 1995 YJ/2.5 has gotten:

air box restrictor removed
air box removed (for a K&N cone intake)
new spark plugs and wires
On Board Air w/York compressor/7 gal tank and lighted interior air gauge
"free flowing" cat installed :lol:
4 inch skyjacker suspension lift
31x10.50x15 meats
CB Radio
Pioneer CD head unit w/4 new pioneer speakers for dash & sound bar (for tunes hehe)
Dash wiring and interior lighting redone
Viper alarm

hmm well thats all I can think of right now...theres more but I just can't remember. I am thinking about replacing my current home made intake with one of those "ricer" 3inch intakes from Autozone. The look just right and should clamp right on to the throttle body and have the 2 inlets for the emissions hoses built in. I probably will respray it black though hehe.

PKLgreenJeepZ the intake will give you more power. I really noticed the difference on mine whenever I changed from the stock box to the intake.


thanks alot. ill save my pennies and get a new intake and i plan on putting a 1-1/2 shackel life on and some 31s hopefully. if not ill have to wait. i like the 2.5 its good on gas espically now you gotta give your first born for a full tank! :lol:

edited by: PKLgreenJeepZ, Mar 07, 2003 - 04:36 AM[addsig]


Please, for the love of Pete, don't buy longer shackles. I made that mistake thinking it's a budget lift. I'd think more of you for getting a 2inch body lift. Seriously! The shackle lift pushes your front shackles out and decreases your approach angle. You will be smacking them into every obstacle you encounter. Better yet, save your money on the lift and wait until you can get a 2 or 4inch suspesion kit. New shackles will run you about $150 for the set. A kit is about $500, give or take. Spend the extra $350, you'll be happy you did.
:-? [addsig]

this is true. but what will i have to cut and lenghthen for a 2 inch body lift??????? anything major? :roll:


I installed a 1.5" homemade AAL lift, along with 1" BL and TJ fender flares. I didn't have to do any steering, brakeline, or driveline modifications and can easily clear 32" tires.

Check out for the most affordable performance airtube and Flowmaster exhaust.

Enjoy the 2.5L, I do :-D [addsig]


all i want to get on there for now is some 31s for on and off road. nothing to wide noting to big jus a lil more clearence.will a 1 inch body get me 31s? i really want a 2 inch though :roll: [addsig]
hey whats up i have a 95 yj and running 31's with no lift at all.. the only time my tires rubbed the fender flares was when i put 30 bags of gravel in the other than that one time i dont have any rubbing issues.. unless your going off road..then i definately would put some kind of lift in.