Urban flexing



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in te picture i took of the back of my jeep in a flex i had a pen in my hand as i took the picture lol you can see it along the left side, i diddnt even notice it till after i uploaded it haha

This has to be my favorite thread of all time....... It started off by what we all assumed was a thread joking about urban flexing. Then ****ing the guy off.
Its had 82 replys, countless pics, but the best reply was his........... (For those of us that was fortunate enough to get to read it.)
I was running late to class this afternoon, but when I am done I'll have to go get a picture of my Jeep. The space I parked in has a chunk of snow from from the snow plow and it ended up that my right rear is on top of it. I am surprised it looks like there is a good amount of flex in the stock suspension on the back. Expect a pic this evening when I get home...

I have come back to report that it was too dark upon returning to my Jeep to get a picture of anything but the reflector in my brake lights. Some other time...
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sounds like a pretty big snow mound you parked on lol

It was about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall, it was the snow bank pushed up by the snow plow taking up a good majority of the parking spot and no one else wanted to park there. Once I was stuck I figured out why lol.
clydethepirate said:
This has to be my favorite thread of all time....... It started off by what we all assumed was a thread joking about urban flexing. Then ****ing the guy off.
Its had 82 replys, countless pics, but the best reply was his........... (For those of us that was fortunate enough to get to read it.)

Now everytime I find a sweet curb or parking stop I yell out urban flexing and take it
I got to thinking, it's kinda sad that the originator of this thread may be banned. But ,he lost his cool,which is part of being human. Can we forgive,and give him a second chance to interact with us. I think that he deserves anouther chance to get back on line with us. Nola, if your reading this,ya now know how we is,we all have our moments. God bless.
extra-medium said:
It was about 2 1/2 - 3 feet tall, it was the snow bank pushed up by the snow plow taking up a good majority of the parking spot and no one else wanted to park there. Once I was stuck I figured out why lol.

awe man :/ i wish it would snow here in florida

gennybro said:
I got to thinking, it's kinda sad that the originator of this thread may be banned. But ,he lost his cool,which is part of being human. Can we forgive,and give him a second chance to interact with us. I think that he deserves anouther chance to get back on line with us. Nola, if your reading this,ya now know how we is,we all have our moments. God bless.

it was actually a pretty good flex nola posted, as far as urban flexing goes, thats not bad, i mean what else is there to flex on that you can find driving down the street? 90% of the flex pictures i take are on curbs lol, im sorry if i offended you nola, this was actually a really good idea for a thread, im sorry i was so hard on you :(
Few pics I took today thought I would also show you guys my new sticker


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