What a neat site!


New member
I'm glad to finally find a clean site with so much information on Jeeps. My son convinced me to purchase an '81 Scrambler about 6 years ago, and when nobody would inspect it for me, I decided to redo it. It took me about 2 years and a lot of questions to my son (he reworked a '79 CJ7) for technical advice. We now do some offroading - he does more than I do, I'm still learning just what I can do with my Jeep. This fall a young "lady" turned in front of me and nearly totaled my "baby", so now I'm rebuilding it for the second time. I'm considering upgrading to hydraboost brakes this time and would like to do something about my carbureted AMC 360 as I consistently stall going down steep inclines.

Any suggestions for either?

Welcome to Jeepz!

Upload some pictures of your project when you get some time.

As to your brakes, do you currently have power, or manual brakes?
They are manual, and I found a website for Hydratech Braking Systems which offers a pretty nifty looking set-up. However, no prices...so I sent a letter to them asking about pricing. I have been told by a local mechanic that this would be a much better way to go than vacuum assist.
As for the Steep Incline problem, I Installed an Edelbrock Performer Intake and Carburator(750). after the swap, i installed a Spring Kit from Edelbrock for extereme inclines and declines. It works Great. Let me know how the Hydroboost set up works out. i've been holding back from doing mine. i already have the Hydroboost unit but im still working on the technical portion of the Hydraulics. i'm not sure what i need to do with the Power Steering pump. the thoery is, there would be a set Minimum Hydraulic pressure @ idle and a pump off a Dodge Diesel is Designed for this set up. The pressure test i've done is still inconclusive for me to say it will work. Let me know what you find out.