What President Bush's reply to Cindy Sheehan should say.


Active member
Dear Mrs. Sheehan,

You have asked me to identify the noble cause for which your son died. I have not answered you personally out of respect for the nobility of your son's sacrifice.

Being president forces me into the spotlight, but I would rather stand in the shadows of men like Casey Sheehan.

Directing national attention on my response to your protest creates a distraction from what matters. The focus of our attention, and our admiration, should rest on people like Casey Sheehan, who stand in the breach when evil threatens to break out and consume a helpless people.

The running story on the news networks should be the valiant efforts of our troops -- the merchants of mercy who export freedom and import honor. They trade their own lives for the sake of others.

As a result, we live in a nation where a woman can camp outside of the president's house and verbally attack the president for weeks on end without fear of prison, torture or death. And the number of nations where such protest is possible has multiplied thanks to the work of our military.

You ask for what noble cause your son died?

In a sense he died so that people like you, who passionately oppose government policies, can freely express that opposition. As you camp in Crawford, you should take off your shoes, for you stand on holy ground. This land was bought with the blood of men like your son.

Now, 25 million Iraqis cry out to enjoy the life you take for granted. Most of them will never use their freedom to denigrate the sacrifice of those who paid for it. But once liberty is enshrined in law, they will be free to do so. And when the Iraqis finally escape their incarceration, hope will spread throughout that enslaved region of the world, eventually making us all safer and more free.

The key is in the lock of the prison door. Bold men risk everything to turn it.

Mrs. Sheehan, everyone dies. But few experience the bittersweet glory of death with a purpose -- death that sets people free and produces ripples of liberty hundreds of years into the future.

Casey Sheehan died that freedom might triumph over bondage, hope over despair, prosperity over misery. He died restoring justice and mercy. He lived and died to help to destroy the last stubborn vestiges of the Dark Ages.

To paraphrase President Lincoln, the world will little note nor long remember what you and I say here. But it can never forget what Casey Sheehan did during his brief turn on earth. If we are wise, we will take increased devotion to that cause for which he gave the last full measure of devotion.

Our brave warriors have blazed a trail. They have enstrusted the completion of the task to those of us they left behind. Let's, you and I, resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.

Let's finish the work that they have thus far so nobly advanced.

George W. Bush


I found it here http://www.scrappleface.com/MT/archives/002289.html so I can't take credit but I think it's pretty well written.

Okay, now we're getting crazy. We all know GW could never write a letter that eloquent. "Should" being the operative word.
Apparently they/she are placing crosses for every soldier fallen in Iraq to protest us being there.
I found out today that the Crawford police will immediately remove a protest cross with the name of a loved one if their family calls and requests it. It is disgraceful to the soldiers in my opinion.

Oh, and just because Bush has trouble speaking publicly, one cannot assume than a former fighter pilot and Harvard grad is either unintelligent or incapable of writing well. I for one admire anyone who has trouble with such things and faces them head on with a willingness to face ridicule from the hecklers ;)
RE: What would you reccomend as a lighting package?

For the last time... ANYONE whose dad was a former president, and born with a silver spoon in his mouth can buy their way to a degree from Harvard. Also, my uncle was a fighter pilot, and he's the biggest idiot I know. :lol: But I don't think even you TC would bet money against that assumption. You gotta play the odds. :wink:

Facing his shorcomings? What's he going to do, be a "No call/ No show" on Monday morning? He is ridiculed because he holds the highest position in one of the most opinionated countries in the world. And quite frankly, is less qualified than most folks on this board. Until he does something to change my opinion of him...my heckling shalll continue. (as if anyone had a doubt)

Case in point, I disagreed with many of George Bush senior's views, but I never once considered him to be unqualified for the job.

Besides... I was mostly kidding. :twisted: I am, of course, a pinko commie.


RE: axle piece

Yeah they commonly allow idiots to fly mulit-million dollar fighter jets around because they know it will make them look smart in their future political career.

Well it it makes you feel better... John Kerry, who talks in circles but does so eloquently could be holding the office. Did I mention W has a higher IQ than Kerry?
RE: What President Bush

TwistedCopper said:
Did I mention W has a higher IQ than Kerry?

OK, I've heard that for the last time. Show me verifiable proof of either man's IQ or shut up. I don't care who's is higher. I'm just sick of people spouting off something they read from either a Democratic or Republican propagandist with no proof.
Is it the stoopid BBD carb?

I am a Republican and I think we could have done better than Bush!

I mean I got better grades than him in high school, that's sad!

RE: yj hardtop

I have something to share. Someone else wrote this when comparing vietnam to the Iraq war. He served in Vietnam and is NOT a Bush supporter. Neither am I and I agree with all of his words. I can't say who would be a good leader of our country out of the candidates we had to chose from but I wouldn't have picked Bush. I agree with those that said that the senior Bush was a better choice.

Anyway, on to the other writers words. Here they are:

I went to Vietnam before I learned much about life. I grew up, or at least encountered life for the first time while there so the protests seen by me were a bit few and far between. Mostly my protest experience took place in a quonset hut listening to hardened city kids talk of what they understood about the state of things.

There was violence, and obviously fear accompanies that, but I don't think the fear factor went as deep as it does now. It may sound odd, but our leaders were crooks, but they weren't stupid. Now we have one that is. Maybe it was just my youth and my trust in things, but I felt there was a truth we could get to.

There is so much wrong today I doubt if we will ever skim below the surface of all that is happening. The last ten years have polarized this country and the elements are clashing big time. When I was young, a line was drawn in America, one that said "don't trust anyone over thirty", and it permeated the atmosphere, even in the military.

Now the seperation is Liberal vs Conservateive and each side has demonized the other to a point I am certain we will experience some casualties between the two groups. The sad thing is it is the people who will hurt, not the leaders who have cultivated this atmosphere.

On top of it all lies the fear that we have a portion of the world that hates us, and our leadership is not sensitive to those who are threatening us. We are good at bullying, but we are not talking.

I truly believe peace is the answer but it is hard to relax when we have an idiot at the controls who will use a nuclear weapon without hesitation. And I'm not talking Saddam.

On the other side, we have Bin Laden, who has cleared himself with the clerics of his faith to drop a nuke on us, so the two don't add up to much to instill faith in us at this level. It's scary. A sign is no protection against a madman.

I know I ramble, but these are my feelings about the protests going on. They need to be done, but they scare me to death when I see the face of the person this is directed at. There is no comprehension of good there, just a hunger for power with no chance of curbing his appetite..

TwistedCopper said:
Yeah they commonly allow idiots to fly mulit-million dollar fighter jets around because they know it will make them look smart in their future political career.

Obviously, that's not what I was implying. What I meant by that is, fighter pilot experience doesn't guarantee one of having an intellect. It isn't proof of intelligence.

Hell, if that were all we needed to pick an effective politician, then let's just put every fighter pilot in the AF and Navy right into office.

As I said, I was mostly joking around, but if you met my uncle Paul you'd see he's about the biggest moron this side of the Rio Grande. And I wouldn't have voted him into office either. :wink:

And as for the IQ thing.. the creator of that diddy is none other than Steve Sailer is a Conservative Columnist for Vdare.com. Not the best source for such propaganda. If you need proof that he's a kook just visit his site at: http://www.isteve.com/ Be prepared to be enamored with some craptastic authoring there.
Sparky-Watts said:
TwistedCopper said:
Did I mention W has a higher IQ than Kerry?

OK, I've heard that for the last time. Show me verifiable proof of either man's IQ or shut up. I don't care who's is higher. I'm just sick of people spouting off something they read from either a Democratic or Republican propagandist with no proof.

Really? You ought to know by now I'm not one to spout off BS just to argue something I believe in. This statement was based on both men's available academic past (Kerry's is severely limited).

The Steve Sailer report:

Somethings wrong but I don't know what.

What President Bush's response would most likely be:

I'm getting that someone is not getting to be what they want to get. I happen to know what was there at the time of the time it was there and I was there knowing it at the time. I won't get detailed about the details until all the details have been detailed out for me in detail. Saddam bad. Bad, bad, bad. W good. ("Who is W?" "You are, sir" "Oh, I am? Right"). W good, Saddam bad. Thank you, and good night.
TwistedSpinDoctorCopper said:
Sparky-Watts said:
TwistedCopper said:
Did I mention W has a higher IQ than Kerry?

OK, I've heard that for the last time. Show me verifiable proof of either man's IQ or shut up. I don't care who's is higher. I'm just sick of people spouting off something they read from either a Democratic or Republican propagandist with no proof.

Really? You ought to know by now I'm not one to spout off BS just to argue something I believe in.
Ummm....no, actually, I don't know that. I have witnessed just the opposite, in fact.
TwistedSpinDoctorCopper said:
This statement was based on both men's available academic past (Kerry's is severely limited).
And Bush's isn't? Oh, wait, I guess his is right in there with his National Guard Service record, isn't it? You've bought into the common misconception that IQ is based on academic achievement and vice versa. The two are not at all related. Academic achievement is based not on Intelligence Quotient, merely consuming information and regurgitating it onto paper for a grade. IQ cannot be measured in academia. For example, I have an IQ of 141 and did quite well in most subjects. However, had my studies been more science based, I would have less than a 2.0 GPA. On the other hand, mentally handicapped people with IQ's of less than 60 often do better in some subjects than "normally IQ'd" people. So, if you can show me an accredited copy of the actual IQ test, delivered and proctored by a certified professional of each man, I must again say, "Shut up". (With all due respect, of course).

TwistedSpinDoctorCopper said:

Steve Sailer is anything but verifiable proof. A verifiable conservative propagandist nutjob, perhaps, but I wouldn't take anything he says into an argument and expect any respect, much less expect to win. I can dredge up a dozen different articles claiming each one of them has a higher IQ, but none of them can be verified. You are merely parroting what you have heard on talk radio or read on the internet, neither of which, I must remind you, is anything to base your reputation on.

Still waiting for verifiable proof.

Re: RE: What President Bush

Now the seperation is Liberal vs Conservateive and each side has demonized the other to a point I am certain we will experience some casualties between the two groups. The sad thing is it is the people who will hurt, not the leaders who have cultivated this atmosphere.

On top of it all lies the fear that we have a portion of the world that hates us, and our leadership is not sensitive to those who are threatening us. We are good at bullying, but we are not talking.

I truly believe peace is the answer but it is hard to relax when we have an idiot at the controls who will use a nuclear weapon without hesitation. And I'm not talking Saddam.
Wow. First of all the separation between liberals and conservatives was not created by any "leaders". It all comes down to core beliefs, and that is a simple fact. You put this many people together in one place and there are going to be differences, as in my next paragraph. The good in this is that we are still all Americans which have proven to overcome differences since our first Congress met. This has never been a one party country and that's the way I like it - our liberty is threatened far less when there is political competition.

Secondly there is not a fear, but a reality that there is a portion of the world that hates us. I am sure that I am not the only person that watched the films of several Arab nations rejoicing and dancing in the streets as they heard of and/or watched the towers fall in NYC. As for our leadership not being sensitive to that I am thankful. Responding to that action is not bullying, it is a response to bullying, which in my book does not call for talking.

Lastly, Peace? Peace on Earth is a nice concept, but that is all it will ever be so long as there are varying motives and beliefs in this world. That's the way is was, the way it is, and the way it will always be. The truth isn't always pretty but that is the truth. Many times these variances can be resolved, but not always and then there is conflict - be it financial, social, or physical. As for nuclear weapons, and our "idiot" (see above post) That statement was just plain nonsense.

Nice sentiment, but unfortunately written by a man who is bitter on the topic of war (which after Vietnam I cannot blame him) and whose ideals are far from factual.
RE: Re: RE: What President Bush

I am not comparing IQ to academia. IQ is being compared to test scores in that report. I am not going to state my IQ, but I will say that my grades never reflected it. I hated the classroom environment and that had nothing to do with my intelligence.

Well ignore Sailer's report, read the links he provides. It's all there. As for Bush's records, I was referring to academic TEST SCORES. We can get further and further off topic and heck we can even have a recount of ballots if you want...

By the way,

Sparky-Watts said:

it's always good to know I can comment on this site and get a mature, educated comment in return.
RE: Re: Dont buy gas on september 3rd!

As for Steve Sailer, That is all I know of him (compiling that data). As for his reputation the fact that I have never heard of him otherwise doesn't speak much of him as I am a pretty well read conservative. The only reason I chose to post his article is for the links he provides.

RE: Re: RE: What President Bush

TwistedCopper said:
We can get further and further off topic and heck we can even have a recount of ballots if you want...

LOL, can we?

Yeah, some hijack. Sorry South! [/url]