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Re: RE: What President Bush
TwistedCopper said:Secondly there is not a fear, but a reality that there is a portion of the world that hates us. I am sure that I am not the only person that watched the films of several Arab nations rejoicing and dancing in the streets as they heard of and/or watched the towers fall in NYC. As for our leadership not being sensitive to that I am thankful. Responding to that action is not bullying, it is a response to bullying, which in my book does not call for talking.
Lastly, Peace? Peace on Earth is a nice concept, but that is all it will ever be so long as there are varying motives and beliefs in this world. That's the way is was, the way it is, and the way it will always be. The truth isn't always pretty but that is the truth. Many times these variances can be resolved, but not always and then there is conflict - be it financial, social, or physical. As for nuclear weapons, and our "idiot" (see above post) That statement was just plain nonsense.
Twisted- I can't blame him either, or anyone else who has been through it. I can't help but think that peace WAS attainable at some point in this worlds history, at least some form of peace. Maybe not WORLD PEACE as beauty pagent contestants term it but some kind of peace where nations aren't seeking out other nations to destroy.
I would never say that 9/11 wasn't any reason to react. That was surely a massive loss on U.S soil and if we had verifiable proof against the perpetrator than I'm all for action. However, I can't see how the war in Iraq is completely due to this verifiable proof of 9/11 perpatrators. Not at this point or this time. I can understand why he chose to send us in but there was a point (way back) when like many people I think we should have pulled out.
I also feel it is unrealistic to keep mentioning Arabians dancing in the streets at 9/11. Do you not think that there are people in America dancing in the streets as we knock down Arabians, man woman and child? I am sure the average hardworking concientious American isn't but I am just as sure that someone is. I'm sure there are as many crazy hateful Americans as their ar Arabians. I'm sure I know some myself even if I chose not to think about it or talk about it with them on a regular basis. Of course, we don't put that in the media here and never will.
Anyway, I have views on the war as everyone does but what REALLY bothers me is the time were spending AWAY from caring for OUR OWN COUNRY and it's people. That is what is crumbling down around us and someday they will see it and I fear too late. Sure the economy is good if your upper class. Sure people are getting educated every day across the nation, if your upper class or willing to go in debt for the rest of your living life. Sure people are pumping that three dollar a gallon gas while thinking how am I going to survive another week on this wage and support my family at our current style of living?
There are so so so many things right here in our contry that need serious attention and funds, just a short list would be:
1. the supply/demand of crude oil
2. the rising cost (and lack of quality) of education (of all ages)
3. border control (just WHO is getting in this country and what is their intent here?)
4. criminal laws (or the lack thereof)
5. mental and special needs americans (special needs are not the welfare crowd)
6. speaking of welfare, lets re-evaluate that as well (who REALLY needs it)
7. environmental concerns (earths atmosphere being thin as an eggshell and what will be do for materials once the natural resources are gone-where is the development of affordable solutions for the average american?)
8. social security (where are the funds going to be provided and how long can we expect it to be available?)
9. Economy-Jobs and Pay (are we creating jobs and/or deleting them every day? Pay rates-are they matching the cost of living or staying stagnant?)
Anyway, I know we get heated on here at times believing in the things we do and expressing them. I still am glad that there are people who care enough to discuss and write these posts out. On occasion when I really do have time to read, I do like to write on these types of posts and sometimes ..... just sometimes they help me to see the other side of the fence.
P.S. I do not agree with what Cindy is doing and I wish we would keep these posts LESS PERSONAL. It's only fair.
P.S.S I claim no IQ level and/or hope I'm not as stupid as some think I am. Please excuse my spelling errors. I'm working 70 hours a week now and am too darn tired to spell check by hand. Thank You and Good Night.