whats youre jeeps NAME??


New member
when ever you love something you name it hopefully this thread will go for ever,ill start with mine i named it mutt(military unit tactical truck)nutt my boston terrier who is my sidekick MUTTNUTT.please send picture of youre ride.


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heres nutt:shades:


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Mine's simply named "B" :twisted: She's in a bunch of pieces right now. She's old and in the process of getting a heart transplant and a face lift.:cry:


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I never got into naming my cars or bikes like friends of mine do. It's just "the jeep".
Mines "little monster" (or mommy's little monster)...not because its a beast offroad, but any time I spend time with it, he chews a hole in my pocketbook!! Just curious...do guys call thier rides she, and girls vise versa? Cause I refer to mine as "he"...
I call my motorcycle "The Low Rider" as it sits only a fist off the ground.. The CJ7 is "Alcoholic" as it chugs down 8-9MPG..

this is my neighbors jeep,and her name is OLD BETSY i think normal would be if you are a guy to name youre ride with a girls name and viceaversa.unless of course,anyway that would be getting of the subject.lol:shades:


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has anyone ever pull up to another jeep and its the same color same tires same look? but if you display a name then its different.

i also call my jeep
i dont know if i should say this here.
the crack *****
she needs lots of money
is as sweet as pie one day then
throws fits as the mood swing fits her
acts up at random
half the time fixes herself with no rhyme or reason
and she drinks heavily.
I got "Beast" aka Big Red, and Tighty Whitey


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vinyl lettering is very cheap,any sighn store will desighn it for you,i payed six dollars,friends of mine all over hear other people say there goes that MUTTNUTT.:shades: