whats youre jeeps NAME??

The Jeep is " The Gecko" as these little creatures are loved by my wife.
My Land Rover is " Fat Fairy" as she tries to be fleet footed like the Jeep but her bottom is too heavy
My Jeep's name is Jeepy.

Wow, lots of new people here. Now, let me explain this one, because there is actually a fair amount of meaning that went into it.

After my car got destroyed, I needed a vehicle that could get me up to the family property, where, due to road conditions, we had not camped in nearly a decade. I got, and fell in love with my Jeep. So, one day, I was giving it the workover in the garage, oil change, spark plugs, the works, both doing maintenance, and getting to know my new vehicle's engine and inner workings. So, I'm all alone in the garage, and I tend to mutter to myself, sing, whatever. I had been thinking that I needed to name it, but had no idea what, didn't want to just settle on something that didn't have a meaning behind it.

So, I'm refilling the oil, muttering along to myself as I tend to do, and I'm in a really good mood... In my element, doing something in which my physical actions make something (in this case, my Jeep) better, and I find myself saying "Aww, does little Jeepy like that? Yeah, you like that oil"...

And just like that, I suddenly realized that it had it's name. Even going back to it perhaps being a fluke, I've rethought on a number of occasions, but nothing else fits, nothing else works. Jeepy's gotten me to and from and out of anything I've ever needed it to do for me, and still running strong. :D

Here are a couple of somewhat recent pics, from last summer up north at the property.


Mine's still just named "B"
. . . it MAY be changed later to :shock:"B-yatch":shock: but right now it's just . . .
"B" :twisted:
my Xj is bruser my flattie is jr my wifes kj is rosie my wifes 81dj5 is little blue/mrs
and wifes other 76dj5 is big blue/mr and my other jeep is tired cause it sleeps alot :lmfao:

I call my rubi "the heep"..... it doesnt look like or run like a heep.....but that is the label that I came up with.
My jeeps name is Penny after my grandmother who gave it to me. She loved the out doors.
My jeep is in pieces right now, but has a new 350 Chevy small block dropped in and she will be getting a face lift body lift and other plastic surgery.


My Jeep's name? 'Black Betty'
the name my Jeep calls me? 'The bonehead that just can't stop spending his hard earned money on me'
i have a question for all jeep owners with names,lets see the name across the front window.black betty -i like that name.MORE NAMES,MORE JEEPS WHATS YOURE JEEPS NAME???


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My jeeps name is Cherry! Dunno Why?


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my Jeep's name is "B" . . . . . . .. . it doesn't have enough letters to go across the windshield cause it's name has ONE and only ONE letter . . "B" mooooh-(

can u please spellit?


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