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Re: RE: Wax stains on plastic parts

I attached jay's strap to the pin

is this a safe method to attach a tow strap? just curious, should i save the money on a receiver shackle and just use my pin?
That's what I was told, and it made sense to me, because with the shackle, all the tension is still being held... on the pin. Hitch, still on the pin... So, I got a nice pin, hasn't been a problem at all thus far.

Yep, just make sure your pin is rated for that much weight being put on it.

That's all I use on my Chevy with 44's, and a 535 ft/lb of torque engine....and I've pulled out all sorts of stuff. A strong pin will never bend or break.
You have to watch pulling at an angle using only the pin, the edge of the receiver could cut the strap.

I think I spent around or less than $20 for a shackle and the 2" piece that holds it into the receiver. A ball hitch is pretty cheap too.
RE: Re: RE: 12.5" tire on 8" rim? ** Yes or No?

I wouldn't tow with the strap wrapped around a ball. It's way too easy for it to slip off....which would be bad unless you have a strap that will just drop to the ground (which is also a very good investment).

Twisted, I also thought about the strap being cut by the edge of the reciever. I just took some plastic, shaped it into a square so it would fit into the reciever, and then glued it in there (first I notched out an area in the reciever so the plastic would fit in there flush, and I could still use my ball mount and other accessories). Then I just made sure all the edges where the strap would contact were rounded, and I've had no problems since then.

RE: Re: Dynomax mufflers?

So, is that all of the rigs we have in this forum? More Pics!

bchcky said:
TwistedCopper said:
A ball hitch is pretty cheap too.
and pretty unsafe.

I missed that post.

Is that why Paragon and Rausch Creek qualify them as viable tow points? I have used mine more than once, as have many. It's a safe towpoint if you have any common sense.

then go for it. if paragon likes them, and its not posted on the mighty jeepz.com, it must be right. threads make things weaker by physics, the way a d-ring would project if it snapped off compared to the waya ball hitch would act if it snapped at the threads, i'll take my chances with a d-ring.

mingez said:
So, is that all of the rigs we have in this forum? More Pics!

If you insist, mingez...................my grocery-getter:


I wish! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
RE: SOA with no $

Whatever man. I have D rings on both ends, but I have used my ball in the past. It is dangerous if you are an idiot, but that applies to most things with stored energy.

nuff said.
RE: Transmission to transfer case seal...?

Recovery off of a tailer hitch ball is a huge NO NO. I don't care if the president of the U.S. offroad association says it is ok, it is not!
The chances of one of the vehicles jarring the strap off of the ball is too great to justify it as being safe.
This is about as intelligent as using a tow strap with metal hooks, or winching with out a method of absorbing line tension.

If a vehicle is not equipt with proper recovery points, one of two methods can be utilized, a choke chain double wrapped around an axle or the tow strap around the shackle.

RE: Preparing for the


mingez said:
So, is that all of the rigs we have in this forum? More Pics!

Well, here's a few recent photos of my Jeep Cherokee at a local EVent. Also a photo of my Cherokee as it now sits in my garage awaiting the completion of a transmission/transfer-case swap. I hope to have it driving again by early next week. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:


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jps4jeep said:
Recovery off of a tailer hitch ball is a huge NO NO. I don't care if the president of the U.S. offroad association says it is ok, it is not!
The chances of one of the vehicles jarring the strap off of the ball is too great to justify it as being safe.
This is about as intelligent as using a tow strap with metal hooks, or winching with out a method of absorbing line tension.

If a vehicle is not equipt with proper recovery points, one of two methods can be utilized, a choke chain double wrapped around an axle or the tow strap around the shackle.

Well I am no president of anything, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night. :roll:

You simply choke the strap around the whole works. It's the same as what you are describing with a shackle except the ball mount is wider than a stock YJ shackle side plate and a heck of a lot less likely to cut a strap.

I'd much rather use a strap choked around a hitch than a chain. At least a strap will show signs of being overworked, while a chain link will just break and take off like a missle.

Sure it would be reckless to just throw a strap over a ball. As soon as the ball became the lower of the two it would come loose. A little common sense goes a long way.

XJNick, I just have to say your Jeep is sooooo cool!!!! I bet you love that thing when the gas prices are so high!

RE: which Junkyard "car" seats fit YJs?

XJNick, that's an awful small gas hose!!! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
CJ Hardtop: Yours for the taking

TwistedCopper said:
Sure it would be reckless to just throw a strap over a ball. As soon as the ball became the lower of the two it would come loose. A little common sense goes a long way.
sure does.... good job contradicting your self!