
cable here too..and its just as fast as always....looks like you need to upgrade to cable!
I know dialup is slow, and I'm not going to pay anymore than I do now. Just saying that for dialup it seems slower than usual. Maybe I'm the only one here on dialup :roll:

Bounty__Hunter said:
I know dialup is slow, and I'm not going to pay anymore than I do now. Just saying that for dialup it seems slower than usual. Maybe I'm the only one here on dialup :roll:

Actually, I'm on cable, and I noticed it's slow. I've gone on other sites, and I only notice a difference with Jeepz.

BTW- Tug has dial up I believe.
L33TJ33P said:
Tug is not Dial-up. Maybe you need to tag a few more dufus badguys bounty and get a raise for cable ;)

Careful what you suggest L33TJ33P, I'd hate for you to get thrown in the clink just so BH can get high speed internet. Heheheheheheeee :lol:

It has been slower. I thought it was AOL, but I guess I'm not the only one that noticed it.-al
Too bad nabbing bad guys doesn't give me a raise, I'd be friggin Donald Trump by now ;) Seriously, I do need paid more :lol:
funny you mention not paying more for cable... unless you're one of the few that uses their only phone to get online, it isnt much more expensive when you factor in the second phone line....

Ya, just one phone line. Maybe some quicker service sometime down the road, not anytime soon.
You arent the only one on dial up... I am too when Im at home. You cant even get high speed yet where I live. But when Im at school and on the network on the other hand.... :twisted:


could it be getting slower because everyone is putting pics in their sigs? would that suck bandwith to have to load up 30 extra pics each thread? ive noticed that jeepz is really the only board that has a lotta sig pics.. i mean some others do, but only the random person
Yes, that does slow things down when there are a lot of pics, or a few pics of a large file size.

I think the avatar is enough, I don't see the need for pics in the signature.
I've noticed it slowing down. Several of the forums I visit don't allow pics in sigs, for that very reason. Eats up too much bandwidth.
That'd be up to Terry. It may be possible for him to restrict the IMG tag in signatures.

Shoot him an email and either link to this thread or voice your concerns.

Yes, the signature pics can greatly slow down page loading. However, I don't think they should be banned. There are two main factors which can/will cause images to load slowly:

> large image file sizes (not necessarily related to the display size of the image)
> Slow Remote Servers

We can easily increase image loading speed by using smaller filesize images. This means Compress your images more or scale down the images display size or do both. We had previously discussed keeping signature images BELOW 35KB in filesize. IMHO, It is unacceptable to use any images greater than 50KB in filesize in a message board signature or avatar.

Also, It is a given that images hosted on a public server such as Sony's imagestation will load slower than those hosted on a personal webserver or paid web hosting space since the public "free" servers are always busy (and thus slow).

But if signature images are causing too many problems, I'd have no problem taking mine down so others continue to have a fast "Jeepz experience" (though my sig image is only 24.08KB and hosted on a fast server :P )

-Nick :!:

doesnt matter to be however we do it, ive got cable and havent really noticed much change, just tryin to help the little guys out =)